Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The day before...

So, today is the DAY before the DAY;=)

And I thought I´d share with you how things are done when going through a planned c-section, if someone out there have to do the same one day. My 2 other pregnancies have ended in a so called emergency c-sections, which means they haven´t been able to come out and therefore this time, I will get a planned c-section.

So, today I went up at 11 to the hospital and started with them taking blood tests, weight, urine tests and so on. Then they connected me with what they call a "CTG" machine that measures the babies heart rate and my eventual contractions. Normally you lie with this for about 20-30 minutes to get a good value. Since the baby was a  bit stressed when I came up due to me having high blood pressure, the first value was a bit stressful and they did another one a little bit later, where he/she was calmer again;=)

Then the doctor who will do my surgery came and we talked about how I feel, if I have some concerns, worries and so on and it felt nice to see who will be in charge tomorrow. It´s a woman and I told her to sleep early and no alcohol tonight and she promised to keep away from that;=) haha! 

Then I ate some lunch while waiting for the pre-operation staff to come back from lunch and then I met a nurse there and we talked about my former surgeries and c-sections and so on before I met the anestethic doctor to discuss what kind of anaestesia they will use and it will be a spinal in the lower back as the last time. This means I don´t feel anything from my chest down and it normally goes away in about an hour after the surgery. I am also awake the whole time and they put up a curtain between me and my belly so I can´t see anything but hear the baby scream and so on. 

After this was done I went back up to the midwife and getting some stuff I need to wash myself in both tonight and tomorrow and a stomach neutralizing pill to take at 20 tonight. 
AND we need to be at the hospital at 6.45 tomorrow so it will be an early wake-up...puh!

So, that´s what they´ve done today and it feels good that we can sleep at home. Mum and her husband just left after picking up our little Nemo who will stay with them until Johan can go home and take care of him. Nornally, the father stays first night to help out and then he can go home so that´s the plan.

I went and did some last minute errands and I found a new cool shower curtain with a leopard on it so now it hangs in the bath room:

Love it;=)

Also got some more baby clothes;=)

And since Nemo is going to be at mum´s and having a baby I got him some new coloring books, crayons and a story book to bring to grandma´s house, but forgot to take photos of them;=(

Last but not least today - the very last pregnancy outfit!!! 

And yeah, had to go the piercing studio to exchange my piercings to plastics, due to the surgery:

And belly 40 weeks tomorrow and time to come out, little one;=) And he/she had turned so head is down and ready, which feels good to know!

Now - ENJOY your evening and please, send me all your prayers and good and happy thoughts tomorrow morning, I sure need them!
I went to my church to light a candle and pray and it always feels so much better after doing that!

Love and hugs!


saskia said...

My mom said that I hate the CTG while it I was moving around like mad in her belly.
best wishes for tomorow.
love and hugs

Alexstrasza said...

Good evening Anette <3

So, I wanted to wish you so much strength, support, and love for tomorrow. You, the baby, and your family have all been in my prayers and I will be thinking of you and the new little one tomorrow. I pray that all goes smoothly and that it will be a time filled with love and joy.

Much love and strength to you,

dorak said...

Don't worry, it's gonna be good. :) They are professionals and you seem to be a strong woman. My prayers are with you!

Happy birthday to the little one, in advance. :) Welcome and may you have all the love, health and fortune in life.
You might be a little confused and lost at first but your mom, dad and big brothers are there to help you out.
Enjoy the ride!

Unknown said...

Good evening Anette!
I'm soo excited for you! :D
Everything will sure be ok, so don't worry! You'll see your little one tomorrow :3 so sweet!
You are really important to me and if I know you're happy, so am I!
I'll think about you during school and I hope my love will help you during those moments!
Take care, Anette! And Good Luck!
I will always support you!

Unknown said...

Hope everything goes according to plan, prayers to you and your family. Congradulations on your big day, Anette :)

eskoplja said...

Do not worry dear Nettie, I am sure everything will be just fine...just think positive.
You will soon have your little one in your embrace, and I am sure he/she can not wait to meet his mommy. I will pray for both of you. I am sending you all the positive vibes and all of the luck.
Wish you a lovely and peaceful evening
Bug hugs

Ena :*

Kaoru said...

Really interesting post, Anette! I hope everything goes okay and your baby is born a beautiful, healthy one as Nemo and Seth. x)

Unknown said...

Dear Anette.

I am very happy to hear that your sweet little one will be born soon.
I wish you all all all good for the next hours until the birth. I will think about you and the little one :)

Love and hugs for you :))))


Lilys-Garden said...

It's very interessting, how it works in Sweden:) I wish you all the best for tomorrow!! Everything will be fine and the newborn will be amazing <3
Tomorrow, my thoughts are with you!!

Lots of love

XxBriannaxX said...

Wow,after reading all of this im even more excited for you :-) i bet you're so eager to see this beautiful baby! I can just see that wonderful glow on your face in the pictures that tell me how excited,but nervous you are. :-) I send prayers and happy thoughts to you,and of course lots of love and big hugs! Everything is going to be fine! :-)
Good luck and stay strong honey!

Vinga said...

Hi Nettie,
I wonder all will be ok, tomorow you will see your little one :) You must be a really happy , but stresed too, I know. Sleep well and don't worry, everything be all right. :) :) :)
Hugs and Love, Love and some more Love :*

Katy Marie said...

I hope you have a successful and uneventful surgery. Thank you for sharing some of the process, I have always wondered about this.

Akascha said...

I wish you all the best for tomorrow and I will think of you!

Lola said...

Good night! Dear-Dear Anette! I wish everything to be fine with you and the little one! I recently was in the same situation except the way of giving birth. It turned by naturel way. And hurted like hell..So i kinda envy to you having that spinal anaestesia I didn't have myself. Kids are what we are living for, so...let it be all the best to you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Anette!

Ill be sure to keep you in my prayers too!

Love from chicago

Betty Blue said...

Good evening, dearest Anette!
I will keep you and the little one in my thoughts and my heart tomorrow, and I am sure everything will be alright.
I wish you and the baby a successful surgery!
You look really exited on the photos, and I can understand you.
My dear, I wish you a great, great day tomorrow when you will finally meet your baby! I will think of you!
Love and hugs to you and your family!

Reetta said...

Good luck for tomorrow and I will send positive energy to you and the little one! Hugs and love! :) <3


Anna said...

Good evening dear!!!
Tomorrow is a big day!!! So i send to you all my support and good, positive thoughts! Everything will be ok! I am sure. So sleep well tonight and we will wait you with extra happy, super good news!
Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Good evening Anette :)
Best of luck for tomorrow and hope the little one will be well. Also very curious about his or her name. *keeps fingers crossed*

Greetings and lots of hugs from Germany

Baru said...

I am very nervous for you! And very excited when you let us know if it´s a boy or a girl and the name!

I send you all of my positive thoughts and energy, you will definitely need it! Enjoy these moments!

We love you!

Mads Bjerre Henriksen said...

I wish you the best of luck tomorrow, and wish you a happy, healthy baby! Will be thinking of you :)


Unknown said...

Hello Anette!! I never comment your posts, I just read them, and I'm glad you're having your baby! I send you thousands of hugs and kisses to you, Johan, Seth, Nemo, and of course the little one on the road :)

Everything is going to be OK, the both of you will be safe and sound!!

Kisses from México!!!

Micha said...

I wish you all the best and may your child be healthy!

I´ll be thinking of you :)

But Please!: We don´t want any photoes of the childbirth itself xD
Son´t wanna see an open belly^^

Anonymous said...

Don't worry for tomorrow, everything will be alright ;)

So I wish you good "luck" and all the best for you!

See you tomorrow for some more congrats :p


Farandra said...

I wish you all the best for you tomorrow !

Unknown said...

Hi. It is kinda touchy when a little person is comming.

Serena said...

Well Nettie what will I say? GOOD LUCK!!
As we say here! "May it be a short hour"
I hope everything goes great fot you both!
I'll send good thoughts to you!

PD: Keep us updated! :D

Soffel said...

I keep my fingers crossed that everything will be ok tomorrow and I am so happy for you, Johan and your children :)
I'm very excited at the moment and I look forward to the baby news tomorrow :)

Lots of love, strengh and luck to you.
Soffel :)

XxBriannaxX said...

I made this picture for you! Prayers kisses and love to you! :-)

Anonymous said...

I will say a prayer for you and your little one before I go to bed tonight. I might go ahead and send one Johan's way as well, because I remember hearing stories about my dad throwing up in the elevator after I was born. Lol my cousin Chris also has a funny memory as well. When his wife was in the operating room, before he went in there, he ran right into the wall. Gosh! I still wish I was able to witness that, because that is so like him. Anyways, don't worry you'll be fine. By the way, you rocked your last pregnancy outfit! :) Enjoy the quiet!

Unknown said...

Hi dear Anette! don´t worry, be happy, because you will have a little baby :-) I will pray for you and for your baby, dear!
hugs and love

Unknown said...

Sweet! I wish you and your baby good luck! I'm sure it will grow talented man like his parents! ;) I wish you all a peaceful Easter and I hope you enjoy it in good health. Also smooth delivery. Lots of rest and love. ;) :);*

TheDeadUnicorn said...

Jesus,already?!Time flies!Well,I can't say how excited I am,ahah.I'm so thrilled!Good luck with everything.Though you seem quite peaceful and calm,which I think is great.I,honestly,would be freaking out!But thank God you're different,because stress would be quite a pain in the ass for the baby.
Good luck,and be strong!Can't wait to hear back from you to know how things went,and it it's a boy or a girl.Either way,I know this baby will receive all the love it's humanly possible to give,and that's all that matters.
Sending the biggest hugs,kisses and lots of congratulations to you and your whole family,

~Night*Star~ said...

Ey Anette,
I want to wish you good luck for tomorrow!
I hope everything will go well without any problems!

OneOfTheLostOnes said...

Hej Anette!

Lycka till imorgon!

Många kramar!


Andi said...

Dear Anette,

enjoy your last evening being a mother of two :) Soon you can hold the baby in your arms.
I am sure it's gona be all fine tomorrow. I try to imagine how excited you are (I don't have kids) and maybe scared because of the surgery. You are strong! It will go well.

I send you and Johan all my love and many hugs :)

Kisses, Andi
ps: when I wake up tomorrow my first thought will be: you are holding already the baby :)

Unknown said...

Good luck for tomorrow, dear Anette! I'm so so so excited about this and that glow which enlightens your face says it all about how you must feel :)
Hope everything goes well, I'm pretty sure it will ;)
While waiting for wonderful news, I'll keep my finger crossed and send you as much positive energy as I can!

I wish ALL the BEST for you and the little one! ♥

Lots of Love! ♥

Kay said...

I am not much of a child person but good luck and by safe x

Unknown said...

Good luck Anette! I'm so excited for you!! I hope everything goes well, I will be thinking positive for you! Lots of hugs to you :)

AlessandraWilderness said...

My dear Nettie!! The great day has arrived!! =) and I'm happy to know everything's good, that you've been at home till today,and not at the hospital, that you are full of energy and the little one is fine! I'd want a pregnancy like yours when I'll have a child hehe =)you're soooooooo beautiful, nice and sweet <3 I like the outfit too!!! I'll say a prayer for you before I fall asleep tonight, I wish you all the best, I'll be thinking about you all the time tomorrow!! ^^ I'm so happy for you Anette, a big hug and a kiss!!! Sleep well tonight and ....good luck!!!!!!!! :*******************

Taaja said...

Best wishes!!

Helminen said...

Good luck for tomorrow, dear Anette!! I'll be thinking of you the whole day, but for sure it will be all OK! I do believe we are all with you and wish you well!

lynn0407escapistgirl said...

Good luck for tomorrow, Anette, and I wish you all the best. Everything will be fine, I'm sure of that, and I think we all are happy that tomorrow there will be a new little member of your family.

I will press my thumbs for you and send you many good wishes.

Kisses and hugs for you all,
Steffi <3

Black Crow said...

Hi, dear Anette,
I'm sure that tomorrow all will be OK! Send to you and the little one all my best thoughts! I'll keep my fingers crossed tomorrow!
Kisses and hugs!

Unknown said...

Sending warm wishes and prayers your way!! Can't wait to hear that you and the baby are well. Lots of love and hugs!

vesna said...

good luck and i hope it goes by as fast and painless as it can, i'm sure we'll hear from you soon with most beautiful news :)

Mary's said...

Dear Nettie, I'm sure, everything will be OK, and wish you healthy and lucky baby!

Nella said...

Good evening :) I'm wishing to all of you good luck and energy for the upcoming days :D I wish that everything will go well without any problems :)

Orcrane said...

Good luck for tomorrow!! I send you strength love and a lot of kisses!

Greetings from France!

linda said...

Hello my dear Anette !!!

Good luck for tomorrow ! I send you my payers !!!

Love, Linda from France !!! <3

Karin said...

Dear Anette! I wish you lots of luck and strenght for tomorrow. An exciting, and a miracelous day ahead of you !
You all will finally have your new familymember with you, in your arms.
A new chapter in your life is beginning, again!
I will be thinking of you the whole day, and keeping my fingers crossed that everything will go as planned.

Aaah , I am so excited about this :) and so so curious if it is a boy or a girl!

Lots of love to all of you. Enjoy life , and the birth of a new person into this world!

Lycka till kära Anette. En stor varm kram härifrån Finland till dej . Och GRATTIS kan man kanske säga i förväg...? :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck for tomorrow and best wishes! Sending you patience and energy!


Melanienemo (Love Anette Olsson Forever.) said...

Hei Anette,
Ouch ouch ouch 6:45! It's early!
I hope everything goes really well!
You will finally meet your little darling! You must be excited!
I wish a good day at Nemo with his grandparents and his beautiful coloring!
To you, I hope everything goes very well (yet)
And yet all congratulations to you and Johan!
Have a good night, or at least the best you can get because I think you would be little difficult to get to sleep with all the excitement and the excitation of this coming!
Again your photos, as you are super!
I think of you tomorrow and I hope you give the new faster, while taking your time! : D
I send you some Love, good wishes,Hugs, kisses & many good things !!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Love you Anette !!!

Rose Auditore said...

Dear Anette,
I'll keep fingers crossed! But I am sure that everything will go well!

Big hug from Germany

xxMissCxx said...

Good luck and warm wishes for tomorrow Anette, Im sure it will all go fine and youll have your baby in your arms before you know it :) Have a good nights sleep and enjoy your last night of this preganancy :)

Amy xx

Océane said...

D-1! Wow!!!! I'm exited! Ahah!
Wish all the best to you and family. Of course every thing is going to be okay so please dont be nervous, have maybe a nice warm bath with candles and nice music to relax :)

Im going to put an alarm clock for tomorrow morning so I can send you nice thoughts and love before 6:45 :) nice words are always welcome in those moment I guess.

And : you look awesome dear, so beautiful. A true angel !

Ps: since yesterday evening i try to write a comment on the photo on Insta with the nw frame. But it looks like it dont want to be publish, so here we go : I think its sad or us, cause it can mean "its REALLY over now", even if we all knew it, but maybe there were few hopes deep inside us ��. For Anette I guess its over for good since months and months (1st october if my memory is good) but maybe some time were needed to move on and close that chapter for good. Now a new baby is about to enter the family, its maybe a way to start a "new" life or at least start to write a new chapter of her life where NW is not included. Dont forget they treat her quite badly, thats doesnt mean she want to forget those years or she is not proud of it, cuz she wrote few times she is proud about what she did in Nightwish. Now time to move forward, we, as fans should do the same, but I have to say its really difficult (for me at least) to see Nightwish without Anette. Well, thats was how I saw that, maybe Im totally wrong?

So lots of hugs and love! Absolutely all my thoughts goes to you both!
Love you dear, you truly deserve the best.

Unknown said...

Hello Anette thinking and praying for you tonight……I myself had 1 emergency C-section and one scheduled so I understand the nerves going for surgery…so Lord give Annette peace let her know You are there with her, thank you for this healthy little one to complete this special family!! So excited for your family to finally meet your new little blessing….. Love and hugs sent your way!!

Beatrix said...

Wow, I am amazed how thorough they are! Also, suprised that you did not have to choose a private hospital and a private doctor for this level of care! It sounds that they are taking very good care of you and it makes me really happy!
I would have millions of questions to ask and things to share on this topic, but I do not want to bore you before the Day! :)
I wish you good luck, health and all the happiness of the earth for welcoming the little angel tomorrow!
Kisses&hugs! Sleep well!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anettte!
Thank you for allowing us,your fans,to be a part of your blessing,the little one on the way. I'm sure I speak for everybody when I say it really means a lot!
I don't have kids yet,but I truly believe that being pregnant is the ultimate blessing in a woman's life. Being able to carry another life inside is a unique and marvellous experience. On a personal level,I (and many other fans,I'm sure)experienced every moment of your pregnancy,the joys of it,through your blog and so now,we are all very excited to meet your little one. I'm sure everything will go according to plans tomorrow and it will be fine!
I'll put you in my prayers to the Holy Mother of Labor and I'm already sending happy,healthy thoughts for the little blessing who's about to meet the world for the very first time.
Wish you and your beautiful family,which is about to grow a little bit more,heavens of joy,happiness,health and all the best! Best of luck tomorrow,God bless you always;=)
take good care! xx and love from Brazil,


Unknown said...

Good luck Anette!I hope everything goes really well and you can tell us about it afterward :)

Marie Fleur said...

Dear Anette, I'm so so so happy for you! A new and bright chapter in you life is going to begin tomorrow and I wish you all the best and I send you lots of love for you and your family and the little one of course ♥ Everytime I can I check your blog and it makes me so happy to see you so joyful with the pregnancy, decorating your house and playing with your children :) You deserve the best :) GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! :D

Melanienemo (Love Anette Olsson Forever.) said...

Hei again Anette,
a friend have send this picture for you :) with her greetings :)
I hope you enjoy :)

Unknown said...

Good luck Anette :-) i'm sending lots of angels to look after you and your baby <3

Anette Olzon Brasil said...

Hi dear. Wow, the big day is coming.
I will pray for you. But do not worry, everything will be ok =)
already chosen the name?
good night and good luck !
Jag älskar dig ♥


Philippa said...

An emergency c-section sounds scary, so it's nice that it's an elective this time so you've got time to prepare yourself. I had no idea what kind of preparations were necessary so thanks, good to know in case I'll ever need it (you never know in life).

Best of luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you and the baby! And try and get some sleep! xx

Kriszti said...

Oh my, it's tomorrow! I'm so excited for you, good luck tomorrow, I'm going to be sending all the positive energy your way! Mama Anette 3 times :) And hahaha I can't believe you told the doc to go to bed early and not drink, you're hilarious :D Happy baby boom tomorrow xoxo

Dark Queen said...

Good luck and best wishes for tomorrow :)I'm sure that everything will be ok! May Gad bless you and your little one.
I'm really happy for you and all your family.
Can't wait to know if the baby is a litte boy or a little girl!
You are awesome, as always!
Kisses and extra big hug for you ♥
Sleep well now

karin said...

Best of luck tomorrow, I 'll send you a lot of positive thoughts ,sleep well and take care both of you !
Best wishes from Holland, Karin

Elmas said...

Good luck tomorrow, Anette, I'm keeping my fingers crossed everything goes great and you'll finally get to meet and hold your new little sweetheart!
Sleep well and hope the next days go easy for you!

valérie said...

Lycka till Anette! Jag hoppas att du ska ha en bra förlossning så att säga ;)

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

Wow, I read this all with so much excitement. Honestly, I´m so excited and I´m happy for you. But this is so exciting, I don´t think I can sleep well tonight :). And I don´t know why, but in a way it makes me so sentimental. I really could cry now, I think...

But let´s talk about happy and positive things :). I wish you all the best, dear Anette and I know everything will go well. Me too, I have to get up early tomorrow, but at 8 am, so then the baby will already be out. So I send you now all my positive thoughts and I´m with you in my thoughts, I promise :). I´m so looking forward to get more information tomorrow. Until then... Sleep well, Dear and I wish you all, all the best :). I think about you Anette and I´m so happy for you!

Take good care of yourself please and see you tomorrow then :). And hug the baby from me when it´s out please :).


Herta said...

Dear Anette,
I am sending you all the best wishes, luck, love in the world and I'll definetly keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!!
I am sure everything will be great, since you have also talked to your doctor and she took your advice to go to bed early and not drink before she has to help your baby to be born =))

I am very happy and excited for you, Johan, Nemo and Seth and we're eagerly awaiting the first news about this lovely little baby of yours ♥♥♥!!!!

Lots of love,

migi said...

dear anette, it seems like yesterday that you told us you're pregnant. And now the big day has come. i'm so excited and happy for you and your family. I'm sure everything will be good tomorrow. All the best. We are with you. I send you special big big hugs

Victoria said...

Wish you all the best for tomorrow ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anette! :-)

That first picture looks like my workplace in the hospital :-)

I think you're so funny the way you told the doctor to go to bed early and not drink any alcohol
:-) Lol!

Good luck and all the best for tomorrow! :-) You'll be in my thoughts and I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow! :-)

Tom x

Rosana said...

Hello my dear Nettie of course I pray for you ,Good luck tomorrow and the baby is coming !!!! OMG ! Calm down have a good night..... God bless your family!

Mariana said...

Oh god!! I wish you lots of luck and a happy life with the upcoming baby as well as the rest of your family.

I cannot even imagine myself in such situation, but you have your fans support and we're looking forward to knowing from you in your next post. Congratulations!! :D

FAQing Amazing said...

GOOD LUCK! I'll be praying every second!!! I am so excited for you and your family. Babies are angels.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Fabio M. said...

By this time it must be late night in Sweden and soon almost morning, I hope I'm not late to wish you a wonderful day, Anette! Good luck tomorrow!

Love you and all the best.

Nalon said...

Evening/Morning Anette,

We have now 2:30 am and my family and I back from our trip:)

We was In a small town in the North of Germany near Hildesheim. As my Family was walk near by a church I go in and to light for you and the Little one a candle too.

Soon you are not more a Two-In-One;). Anette, you has found always great outfit´s:)

He/She has so big luck to get you as mother and lovely big brothers and a happy father (and he can cooking!.

Don´t worry Anette. I send you all my wishes to you both:)

Sleep well with many Angels around you:).


Escapist said...

Wishing you and the baby the absolute best! :D

LindaS said...

Good luck tomorrow Nettie! I'm sure you're very excited! A wonderful new chapter of your life is about to begin!

I'll be thinking of you....


Harrawrson said...

This is so exciting! "The day before the day"... Like you said for Christmas. :P

And for us, we don't know if it'll be a boy or girl, so it's even more of a surprise. ;)

Good luck, and lots of love! :D

July said...

Ohh Nettie!!

I'm very excited and happy for you and your family,your baby will come very soon, I'm very sure she/he will be a blessing!

All my best vibes and wishes for the big day, remeber all your blogreaders will send you our good energies!

And how I say before, you are the only woman pregnant that look incredible in her last days of pregnancy =)

You just relax and breathe because tomorrow everything will be fine!

A lot of kisses and hugs =)

Amanda Lopes said...

Good luck! It's almost time! All the best for you and the baby!

Joellen said...

Wishing you all the best on Wednesday! :)

fstorm said...

Congratulations Anette! I hope the surgery went well and that you and the baby are doing well! I'm so happy for you. :)

Unknown said...

Wow!! Time flies - it seems like yesterday you let us in on the "secret". I am so happy for you, Johan, Nemo and Seth. Best of luck and wishes for tomorrow. :D

Nora said...

Good morning Anette, exciting times!!! Sending you loads of strength and happiness. Hope everything will be good! Love, Nora. xxx

Serafim said...

Wish you all the best,dear!
Everything will be good!;-)
Lots of support and positive thoughts to you

matotu said...

I´m happy for you and I look for the new baby. I hope everything will be ok. I wish you all the best!

Niwi said...

Hey, my dear Nettie!

Im so happy for you, I wish you all the good vibes! Relax, enjoy this experience, you have many reasons to be happy!

I send you a big big hug and light...


Cleo said...

Good luck nettie and have a good day meeting the little one!! lots of hugs!

Kasia said...

We are with you today Anette! :) Sending a bunch of little angels to look after you and the baby :) Everything will be fine. Big hug and lots of love from Poland :)

Dark Kitten said...

Good luck to you! I hope that everything will be just fine:) Lots of love, hugs and kisses from Russia;)

Pascal said...

God morgon, Anette!

I hope everything went well, since I think the c-section is already done, but I´m not sure because I don´t know so much about that. So if you´re still in it, then I hope everything goes well :).

I thought so much of you yesterday evening and today since I am awake. And last night honestly I had dreams about babys, that was weird! I dreamt that I was still together with my ex - girlfriend (which is not a wish of mine, we broke up 2 years ago or so and I´m glad that we´re not together anymore). But in my dream, she was pregnant by me!
And then I dreamt that I checked your blog in the morning and you wrote that your baby is a girl and her name is... ah, I don´t remember exactly but something like "Eena" or so, I think. So let´s see if I maybe had a vision? :D Hey, then I could later earn my money as a soothsayer, wouldn´t be bad I think :). So Anette, if you once should have questions about your future - dare to ask me and we´ll see if I dream about it, hehe :D.

Now I still send you lots of good and positive thougts and I´m looking forward to hear from you about your new baby :).

Take good care of yourself please and take as much time to relax and to look for the baby as you need before you blog again. I understand it and I´m sure the others too and we don´t mind waiting for you :).


Laura said...

Hi Anette,

Hope everything went well when you read this and that everything is ok with mom and baby :). Lots of hugs and enjoy your newborn with all your family and friends :)
xxx Laura

MAN70 said...

Hello Anette, and here is the big day!
Good luck to you, and know that a candle is lit for you and your baby since 7:00 this morning in our church.
Give us quickly new!


Sephrenya said...

I wish you all the best for tomorrow :-) I am 21 weeks pregnant now and can't wait to hold my little one in my arms.
I'll think of you tomorrow.

big hug

Anna said...

Congratulations my dear Anette with your newborn son Mio!!! OMG 3 sons!!!!

MightyLambchop said...

Wishing you and baby all the best! I'm sure he/she will be beautiful and healthy.

Rest Calm said...

Congratulations, Anette! Wish you love, love and love in your family:)

Black Crow said...

Congratulations to you and Johan! I'm really happy for you and little Mio! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Kisses and hugs!

Lucinda said...

All the good luck in the world, it's still a good thing to know that you won't have to worry about the delivery pains, just the contractions which, I guess, are a lot to handle already.

I can't wait to see your next article, which is going to be about you having given birth to the baby!!

You are one happy family ;)

Now relax and take care of yourself!

All the good thoughts for you and the soon to be born.


PS: btw, your outfit is very cool \o/

Unknown said...

Ciao!Best wishes!Tomorrow will be a wonderful day for the new birth,we are all with you and i'm sure you will be a super mummy!:-)And we'll know finally if will be a girl or a boy...so we look forward to have news from you soon!Kisses!;-)

~MidnightFairy~ said...

Best of luck Anette <3 Wishing you well! I am eager to hear the news ^_^
XOXO much love


Robermifernes said...

CONGRATULATIONS ANETTE! Everything what's the best for Mio! :)

Anonymous said...


Henk said...

Best wishes to you, dear Anette! Fingers crossed for you!

Svanhildr said...

I've just checked your Instagram and I'm so happy to see that everything went well :) yesterday I didn't open my laptop, but my thoughts were with you. I send you and Johan my best congratulations and a big hug!

Lune said...

So i've heard little Mio is born. Congratulations !! I wish you the best with your little boy ♥

Stefanie said...

lycka till! det kommer att funka jättebra! tell johan to post here ;-) stort kram

eva fliesaway said...

Hey Anette,

I wish you all the best for tomorrow. The little one inside will sure be happy when lying in the arms of it's wonderful mother! :) I'll think of you tomorrow and send you all the strengh I can!

Love Eva

Taaja said...

CONGRATULATIONS for the baby-boy!! :) I'm so happy for you!
Wish you and your family all the best!


Unknown said...

All my love and best wishes for you and your family, and of course, for the new baby!

Yanna said...

I'm so happy for you Anette
!! I'll think of you all the day !!
Everything is going to be all right and your baby will be marvellous !

Have a nice evening, and good lock for tomorrow !!


Unknown said...

I can't believe the baby is finally coming!

I'm sending all of my love!

Good luck :)

Mágika said...

Nettie Sweet,

I just want you to congratulate on your babyboy! I am really happy for you (though I was hoping for a girl ;)) ), and God bless you and your beautiful family! And now have fun with that little, good-smelling boy, Mio!



Isabella Ahnert said...

Hello dear Anette ♥
I'm eager to see her baby, hehe ^ ^
Occurs Hope all well on your birth :). Their clothes are beautiful.
Going to church does much good.
Congratulations ^ ^
Kisses :)
# Isabella

Julia said...

Congratulations, my dear! God bless you and your boys. Hope everything went well:)

Hugs and kisses,

Unknown said...

Good luck Anette!

LindaS said...

So your little son Mio is born! Congratulations to you, Johan, Seth and Nemo. You are truly blessed!


Philippa said...

Congratulations Anette (and Johan, Seth and Nemo of course) on the birth of baby Mio! What a beautiful name, and it's from an Astrid Lindgren book isn't it? Enjoy your special time with your new little boy, and with the other bigger boys as well of course :) Much love xxx

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

WTF? Some blog readers write here about a boy called Mio??? But you didn´t tell anything in your blog so far, so how can they know??? Please tell more for EVERYONE to read, dear :).

Take good care of yourself please and congratulations to your, as it seems, third boy :).


AlessandraWilderness said...

Hej Nettieeeee =) god morgon!! I've thought about you all the day long, I hope to read a new post of yours as soon as possible (now enjoy your days with the baby and have rest!! we'll be in touch again when you'll have the possibility to write!) is that true, that it's a baby boy? Guys, where have you red it?? I cannot find the news on the internet (if there are ones)... anyway....CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND TO JOHAN!! A big big hug to you all =) kisses to you mummyyyyyyyy :* :*

shay said...

Goodluck and god bless anette...my bday is march 30..and ur little one will be a march baby ..so that being said ur lil one will be strong amazing and force to be reckoned with...xoxo

Serafim said...

Oh, dear Nettie...I'm so happy for you and your family! Congratulation on your new babyboy.. And what a nice name he got - Mio :-) now you have three sons....it's amazing! I admire you ;-)
Dearest, wish you and your boys all the best!
Lots of kisses and hugs

Nalon said...

Morning Anette and little Mio,

I´m so lucky you both are well.
The photo on Instagram is so cute feets! I can not believe this little feet had kick you all the time:)

Mio is so a beautiful Name.

How goes Johan?:/

Welcome in the world little Mio!


Mark Modi said...

Congratulation Anette for another addition of baby boy.

Mark Modi said...

Congratulation Anette on the new addition of baby boy.

Rodolfo Durán (AutomobileFunk) said...

Hey Anette!

In these moments, you have a little and beautiful baby in your arms, congratulations for that!!

I'm sure your baby give peace and joyful to your house and to your life!

A lot of kisses, hugs and blessings for you and yours and ofcourse for little Mio!

July said...

Hey Anette!

In these moments, you have a little and beautiful baby in your arms, congratulations for that!!

I'm sure your baby give peace and joyful to your house and to your life!

A lot of kisses, hugs and blessings for you and yours and ofcourse for little Mio!

P.S: I think I used my brother's account for comment, but this is the mine!

saskia said...

contgratulations to the new family member. I wish him a long sucessfull and beautifull live full with love.
Congrats to the whole family, wich is now a bit bigger than before. All best to you all
with love and hugs

Anix said...

Dear Anette!
Congratulations! And a warm welcome to little Mio. I wish love and happiness to all of your family.
A huge hug!

Dark Queen said...

Welcome to the world little Mio! I wish you all the best in your life! May God bless you!
Congrats Anette:) I'm so happy for you all! I'm sorry for the delay,but I had busy days! Finally I came at my best friends place! Now I'm feeling so good. I missed her a lot.
Congrats again and love,kisses&hugs to all of you*

Betty Blue said...

Oh my dear, congratulations!
And welcome to out world, little Mio! May your life be full of joy!

James Oakes said...

Oh WOW you must be so excited! (and totally nervous I can imagine). Don't worry dear, you will be fine. My mum had a C-section when I was born and she says its the best option! (she is also a midwife so it must be true ;))

Have a good nights rest and remember that all our thoughts and prayers are with you. James x