So, I am studying a little net course at my university called MUSIC AND HEALTH and we just had our first 2-day seminar this weekend and we were a bunch of people with different backgrounds and ages and it was a great seminar!
We study the relationship between music and health and in that we talk about that music is a democratic right for EVERYONE to do. Which means that NOONE shall be excluded from doing music. For instance people with need of special support and so on. Cause, as we all know, music can help us feel better!
We also discuss what MUSICALITY is and that´s a really interesting thing to discuss cause who can really answer this question?
We also had a Skype session with
Resonaari in Helsinki where they have music school for people with special support needs and it was really interesting to listen to!
We also had lots of fun singing, playing rhythm instruments, dancing and so on these days and so much fun!
I´m having some nice studies to do and will go out to make an observation within this field and also a field study before the course is coming to an end and also another seminar so more stories about this class will follow=)
ENJOY this day!