Friday, May 03, 2013

5 years;=)

It was 5 years ago me and Johan got together! Time flies and now we have two little ones together;=) Who could had known that when we first met on tour? Life is filled with surprises and blessings!

Found these photos of us from Thailand, we look soooo young! 


Unknown said...

I congratulate the best couple I know! I love, appreciate, respect, pride, I believe in you, admire you!
You are the best!

Yanna said...

You still young young Anette ! =)

Congratulations for your five years together !
I wish you many other years together !

Anna said...

ohhhh you are so cute)))))) and hey you are still young!!!

P.S. hope one day i will met my destiny too. Enjoy the Friday!!!!

Lorena Moiron said...

Congratulations! You look very happy together. Yes, you never know when love is going to show its face (or friendship, job opportunities, etc).I had to wait 35 years to meet my love, but it was worth it! Love and hugs to you!

Vinga said...

Hi Nettie :)
Congrats, this is very good time for you as we all had to see ;) I wish you next 5 years... and next 5 years... and more and more and more :*
I am married for almost six years and I do not know when that time just flew by. Time passes but the most important thing is to draw from it the most good.

And I think you were really exceptionally gifted by fate :) :)

With love

Unknown said...

My congratulations! Lovely photos ;)
I wish many other happy years!
Love and hugs

Laetitianne said...


Océane said...

Congrats to you both. You're such a lovely couple, and wonderful family!
Wish you the best, may you're lives be full of love & hapiness!
You deserve the best!

Love & Hugs

Unknown said...

Hey :D

Congrats you two!!!
I am so happy for you :)
Love is so a wonderful thing!!
I wish you two only the best for the future!

Have a lovely day!!!!


AlessandraWilderness said...

Hi Anette and congratulations for your 5 years together!! =) In this period I have not so much time and I log in here rarely... :( I'm very busy with my job, university, the band and so on... I need rest and relax!!! On june the 3rd, I have my swedish exam...I hope to pass it!!! I'm studying a's a basic level, but it's an exam anyway and swedish is a new language for me (even if I can speak both english and german, so it's helpful!!) I hope not to do mistakes :S Kyssar!!!!

Unknown said...

Annete hello!!
Is the great meaning of life, what good can have several loves: people, work,...
Good continue to bless your loves!!
Kisses and hugs from someone who admires you!!

migi said...

congratulations dear anette and johan. You are a very sweet couple :). I wish you many many more years of happiness, and love together. Thanks for sharing this beautiful photos with us. Have a really nice day. I have to work today til 10pm :(. And big hugs as always. p.s. I would like to ask you something. Do you have any email adress you use for fans where we can send photos etc? It's just a question ;)

Lucinda said...

Congratulations! I will also celebrate my 5th anniversary with my boyfriend very very soon :)
You're right when you say that some things cannot be predicted AT ALL!

Don't worry, you still look incredibly young ;) Plus, your current hair colour (well, natural hair colour) makes you look even younger than on these pictures. Do you have a picture of you both in 2008?

Have a great day!

Kriszti said...

Wow 5 years, congratulations! Yeah, you look really young and your hair was so blond! :D Have a wonderful day :)

eskoplja said...

Congrats to both of you! So lovely photos you shared. You both look lovely! And I love your hair color :)
Wish you more, many many many yeas together
And don't worry, you ae still young :)

Ena :*

Laetitia L said...

You still look young and fresh Nettie ! What a cute couple you make <3 Long live Nettie & Johan !!
Cheers :)

Nalon said...

Hello Anette,

Congratulations to you Both and the two little ones;)!

Enjoy this Day with happiness and Sunshine.


Melanienemo (Love Anette Olsson Forever.) said...

Hei Anette !
All my congratulations !
I wish you all another years together !
Have a wonderfull long life with you're dears ones
Lots of love !!
Big kisses & hugs for all of you're familly & you ❤❤

rainy said...

Great to know, wow, 5 years :D
I wish you all the best, lots of years filled with love :)

Have a wonderfull day my dear :D

IsaWolfheart said...

Oh so cute :) I'm happy for you :)
and nice photos ;)

saskia said...

congrats to that. I hope many years will follow!
enjoy this weekend

Svanhildr said...

Congratulations to both! True love is one of the few things that matter in this world. You both look so happy in those pictures, a wonderful couple. It's amazing how time flies, indeed :)

Enjoy this evening and take care!

XxBriannaxX said...

Happy five years to you,and I wish many more years to come! :-) Enjoy your day together and I send love and hugs to your family. The photo's are so cute ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Anette! :-)

I don't know about Sweden but over here in England it is a bank holiday weekend :-) Which means that most people who don't work weekends will also get Monday off too :-) Over here people usually spend bank holidays drinking or having barbeques if the weather is nice :-) I'm spending bank holiday by meeting up with a friend this Sunday who I've not seen for 9years! :-) His life went down a different road to mine but we've always kept in touch :-)

And congratulations to you and Johan for 5 years together! :-) I wish you both together for the whole of time! :-) You look like a really nice couple in those photos! :-)

Have a great evening Anette! :-)

Karin said...

That is so great! And now : you have so much love around you , from all of your boys! In life: you can never know what happens:)

Andi said...

Hi Anette,

congratulations to you and Johan. You are a really nice couple...and still young :)
May we have a photo from now too?

I wish you 50 years together in love and happiness!


Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

Really sweet photos, thank you for posting them. And of course, congratulations to those five years :). But nowadays, you look as beautiful as you did there :).

Have a nice start into the weekend dear Anette and take always good care of yourself please :).


TheDeadUnicorn said...

Ahhh,I'm going to cry.I am so,so,so,so happy for you!I am so grateful you have someone who makes you happy,for knowing that you're taken care of,makes me happy,too.
Thank Johan for me!
You guys give me so much hope,and make me believe in the concept of family.The kids are blessed to have such amazing parents.
May you have the greatest of days,and many,many more good days to come!

DreamerGirl131 said...

You two are so cute :) I wish you lots of amazing years together!

Unknown said...


So happy for you, guys, and the beautiful family you have created!

Philippa said...

Happy anniversary Anette! You both look so adorable in that picture, and bless you and your beautiful family. Lots of love xxx

Anonymous said...

My congratulations to both of you!

Being in love is great... Wish you all the best!

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Nettie! Hope you and the boys are doing just fine-:)
Lovely pics of you and Johan. Yep,time really flies and life is full of blessings and that is wonderful! I wish you and Johan a lifetime of happiness together! You are a beautiful couple with an even more beautiful family! You are very blessed! Wish you all the best!
Take good care,have a wonderful weekend!
Love and hugs from Brazil,

Bru :)

Songmaker's Cry (Mandy) said...

You two make such an amazing couple...

Jenka said...

Grattis! Jag och min sambo firade fem år den 2 maj och 2 år som förlovade och vi har också två barn ihop. :) Fast en tjej och en kille. Ha en fortsatt trevlig dag!

Taaja said...

Congratulations !!! :D I'm happy for both of you!

~MidnightFairy~ said...

Happy 5 years! <3

Anonymous said...

I wish you both the best ;-) Enjoy life together!

Fiona said...

Annette, you are still young and you still are gorgeous and look fly everyday! So no worries! :)
I am glad that you found the love of your life and that you are having such a great time with each other.

I also hope that very soon I will find a nice guy. My last boyfriend was very bad, right now I'm single, but that's okay as I have time to concentrate on my university and my job. I use this time to find myself. x

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you both! I wish you many more happy years together X