Friday, April 26, 2013


Good morning and a very happy friday to you all:-)

Yesterday I had a great day again with a nice visit from Niclas "Olle" (Alyson avenue) my dear friend. He met Mio for the first time and Mio behaved really well, hehe:-)

Then when Johan came home from his job, we went out for a nice walk, a stop at a nice playground and then a visit in the city where the stores were open until 20 and they had champagne and chocolates to eat;=) My dear friend Hanna entertained us well;=)

Some photos I took for my Instagram:

Today it´s grey and have been raining a lot all night but I hope for some sun during the day so we can head out for a walk me and the kids. I don´t much sleep in the nights so some fresh air helps to feel better!

Some friday music is needed for me to wake up so here you go - today it´s all BJÖRK;=)

Björk - Human behavior:

It´s oh so quiet:

Venus as a boy:


Unknown said...

Hi, dear Nettie!

i began to draw a Tree from your photos for you))

Nice to hear and see that you had a great yesterday evening!

Have a good day for every day!

love you! you are my inspiration!

hugs, Eva

Dark Queen said...

Hi Anette!
I hope that your weather will be better. Luckily we have a nise sunny and warm day angain :D
Great friday music. I just like It's oh so quiet.
Anyway, I know that you don't like read comments about the olden days in Nightwish but let me say just one thing. Yesterday I watched Imaginaerum the movie and wooooow! In Slow, Love, Slow you're just amazing!!! And in Scaretale you're suuuuuuuper goooood, especially when you bite that apple! That's all. I promise you that I will not write you anymore about the Nightwish days!
Enjoy the day!
Kisses ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Anette! :-)

It will be a happy Friday if work don't phone me :-)

And those statues from yesterday look as though they have started their weekend already! :-D
Hehe! :-D

Have a great Friday my favourite lady viking! :-)

eskoplja said...

Hello dear Anette, how are you? :)
Glad to hear you spent a lovely time yesterday. The pics you shared ae so lovely! And the ones of you posed are so pretty! I love your outfit :)
Wish you a lovely day

Ena :*

Kaoru said...

Björk is always an amazing choice!
Also, I love the pics, especially the first one. x) Nemo seems to be enjoying the good weather!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you had a nice day!
In my city we have sunny weather and +10 degress.
Hope the rainy weather in your city goes away soon ;-)
And thanks for lovely photos ;-)
Enjoy this day!

Nika. said...

it's nice to see that a lot's going on with you ;)
What kind of job does Johan have?
Have a nice evening. :)

Luuh (Lucas Pereira) said...

Hi Anette!

GOD, I Love BJÖRK!!!!!! HSe is so amazing, have a powerfull and so emotional voices... Sometimes her voice seems have no tecnique, but seems beautiful at the same time...
You should do a cover of her in your solo career if you go in a (Small) tuor.... :) I have sure that even bjork would be jealow if you sing a song of her because you will rock! hahah Try Hyperbalald someday.. :)

Hope everything is fine with your boys and johan :) Wish you all the best!