Tuesday, April 16, 2013


....I´ve gotten the little ones to give me some time to blog again;=) Sorry for the boring blog since I gave birth but the first weeks with a new baby is only about nursing and the little one has been lying to my chest day and night. Now he feel more "safe" lying in the baby sitter and therefore I have some time to put some photos up for you.

So here are some outfit photos for you! 

First a leopard outfit from last week, perfect to walk around at home in. This leopard top is from Los Angeles and I wore it in our signing session there. To that an old black pencil skirt.

Then saturday´s outfit:
Pearl bracelet I twinned around my upper hair - easy thing to make it look nicer:

White blouse from Zara, zebra jeans from Malene Birger:

Under the blouse a white nursing top from H&M:

My necklace with the cross. Don´t remember where I got this:

I love to wear different ear rings in every ear and here´s one side - ear rings from Forever 21:

And in the other ear - skull ear ring from Gina Tricot:

And then today - lovely jeans from Gina Tricot that I got when I was 9 months pregnant and longed to wear and today I can put them on;=) Gina has cheap and really good jeans! These are perfect spring jeans due to the cropped length and wearable to both boots, ballerinas and high heels:

Necklace is an old one I got in our first US tour from Betsey Johnson:

Black top from Zara:

Green star belt from Ethel:

Ear rings from "& Other stories":

And my lovely ballet ballerinas from Chloé:

Needed to show the pocket in the back, cause there is no pocket in one side, fun detail:

Now time for Mio and nursing again and then me, Nemo and Mio are heading down to the sun and the sand box to play!
ENJOY this day!!


Anonymous said...

You're both so cute! And Anette, you should be broud of me (;D), I just get my swedish test back, and I get 8! It's my best swedish test in this class!

Have a nice day, dear angel!

Fiona said...

wow, you look great, Annette!!!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that everything is OK!
I like your outfits! Especially I like ear ring from "& Other stories". Very beautiful thing ;-)
Love and hugs to your family

Dark Queen said...

Hi Anette!
It's a lot of time I don't write you. I haven't a Instagram acconut, so I can't put comments under your photos.
Finally we can read some news from you ;) Let me say that you're in perfect shape and you are every day more beautiful.
Glad to read that you all are ok and that you have nice time with Mio.
enjoy the day!
Kisses to you all :*

Betty Blue said...

Great to hear from you again! But we all understand that the kids are more important than blogging anyway and especially this first weeks with a newborn =)
You look really good - as always - the skull earring is really cute ^^
Have a great day outside with the little ones!

Karin said...

Yes! You are here again:) Like old times, although you have two of those lovely boys beside you :)
I have to go and check out those jeans. I am 163cm and all jeans are always too long for me .
Is your stomack ok? From the surgery , I mean. You can walk, and so on?
You look good and "fresh" ! Welcome "back" :)

Lucinda said...

Come on, be honest: you showed us the last picture so we see how fit you are a couple of weeks after you gave birth! No spare tyre or anything, haha! No seriously, you look gorgeous, I'm glad you seem to feel great.

Can't wait to hear about your plans for the year to come =)

For the time being, have a nice time with your family!

saskia said...

Here is wunderfull weather. even it is trhe week ok my exam I am in a very good mood. yesterday I had my german exam, I wrote about 1288 words so I think it gonna be so bad. and I have to say you look very great. Enjoy this day too.
best wishen

Unknown said...

Hei Anette,
So cute baby boy !!!
You're very beautiful i love you're earing (1st) and all of you're outfits!! You looks happy !!!
Have a great moments with you're dears one this afternoon ! Good play for Nemo !!!
With Love :*

kerosene said...

Welcome back dear! Im happy looking to this pics and by the way, you look stunning as always :)
Happy thoughts to you and Mio.
Love that little baby pijama...

Unknown said...

Hei again,
Where you have found you're cross necklace ?

Unknown said...

Lucinda: haha, well it was the pocket I meant but if I look fit then great;=)thanks! ;=)

Unknown said...

Mynta:Congrats!!! Well done! Bra jobbat;=)

matotu said...

Take as much time as Mio need. These earrings from Forever 21 look really cool. Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Anette! :-)

I got in from work about 1 hr ago :-)

Nice outfits. So strange to see you without the belly though! :-)

Nice photo of your laptop too!
:-) Hehe! :-) I presume that is the very computer where all our comments arrive! :-) Hehe! :-)

The weather where I am in England has been fantastic! :-) So sunny and nice! :-) Mio is georgeous and I hope you, Nemo, and Mio himself all had a very nice afternoon in the sandpit in the sun! :-)

Take care Anette and I wish you and your family a very nice evening! :-)

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you again although I think everyone understands that you have to spend most of the time with your little baby. :)

The outfits are great. And you can't even tell that you were pregnant. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anette!

Congrats on little Mio. I've been on your Instagram, but I can't make a comment. :( So I guess it's better late than never, right? I've got to say it's a little weird to see your outfit pictures without your pregnant belly. You're still pretty otherwise! I'm glad you're blogging again. I've missed you! Lol have a good day! :D

Unknown said...

Hi dear Anette, your little Mio is sweet like an angel :-)and thanks for photos, you look great!
hugs, Radka

Philippa said...

Welcome back to blogging Anette! You were quite right to take a break from blogging, those first few weeks are important and you need bonding time with your little one :) You're looking good so soon after giving birth, and I really love the zebra jeans. Enjoy the rest of your day with your precious family!

Beatrix said...

Welcome back dear Anette,
You look absolutely great! No one could tell you have just had a baby! Truly inspiring!
Different earrings though? I am a big believer of symmetry, haha! :D
Have a great evening!

Dotti said...

Hei Anette :)
Hvordan kan du se SÅ bra ut så kort tid etter fødselen?? :) Du ser kjempebra ut! Mio er så skjønn, håper dere har det bra alle sammen i familien, ha en fin uke, klem fra Dotti :)

LindaS said...

I can't believe how beautiful and fit you look so soon after giving birth! I'm so glad you are back on the blog with photos and comments. You are so amazing Anette! I don't write every day, but I do read. You have become part of my morning coffee routine!

Have a beautiful day. Enjoy your children!


PS Is Johan back yet?

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

Thank you for all those great pictures. Nice to see you again :). And don´t worry, we all understand that you didn´t have that much time in the last weeks :). I´m happy to see that you are fine and that everything works well.

Have a very nice evening now and sleep well :). And please take always good care of yourself.


Unknown said...

you look great i'm glad to hear everything is ok
you look beautiful after giving birth
have a good day and enjoy with the little ones

kisses and hugs

Océane said...

No need to apologize, its completely normal that you have other things to do than blogging for us =)
But I have to say seeing a huge new post put a big smile on my face :D

So many photos to see, and wow you look awesome! Please can I have the same butt? Ahah!
All you outfits are just so cool! The zebra jeans is very cool & unusual ;)

How does it feel to have a flat belly again? You now can paint your toes (when you have time! héhé)!

Have a good evening dearie, and thanks again for posting these! And also a BIG BIG thanks for all the photos you put on Instagram, it warm my heart every time =) and im not even talking about your comments on my photos! Thanks so much for your support!

Lots of Love & Hugs

migi said...

hi dear anette, it`s nice to hear from you again:) how are you, the Boys and johan? you look great. i have a question. just if you have enough time. would you post a short Video message just to say hello or something, please? the other ones you did were so very cute. would be nice to hear your voice ;) but of course i know mio has first priority :)

here in switzerland we had great weather the last 3 days. finally it`s spring! actually it Looks like summer. haha over 23 degrees. yeeey!

wish you a good night. big hugs as always :)

XxBriannaxX said...

Oh my gosh you look so good! You're so tiny!
And might i add you look very good in those jeans! Hehe. ;-) i am so happy to hear things are going well for you! Hope you had a good day with the boys! :D
Big hugs and lots of love to you honey.

Unknown said...

Wow Anette! You look like wonderful! ;) Greetings from Poland :D

Unknown said...

Hi Anette! It's so good to see you again :) Just keep relaxing, don't worry too much about the blog. We understand. But, can you tell us who Mio resembles most? Johan or you? :)

littlemimo said...

Hi Anette,
I'm so happy to read you again, idk why but i don't use instagram often and generaly i just watch your photos...
Soo you are so wonderful on the photos (as always) and love your outfits :) Mio seems to be a beautiful baby !

I wish you a lot of good times with all your boys and of course if you want to talk and share with girls, we are here ;-)

Have a nice evening and night, take care.

July said...

Hey Anette!

I have to say that you look amazing after the pregnancy! really you look more beutiful than before =)

I loved the pic of Mio, he0s very very cute!

Have a very nice nice evening!

Karoliina said...

You just gave birth and you look so amazing!! :D
Haha, good to know everything is wonderful in your family.
I wish you a great spring/summer time.

Unknown said...

Anette, just wanted to tell you...you look absolutely adorable ... definitely don't look like you just had a baby a few weeks ago....love all of your outfits,I would love to see a pic of Mio, but totally understand!! privacy issues and such!! I myself had 4 babies so I understand time issues LOL!!!Well I send prayers and blessings your way...have a wonderful evening or morning I
don't know the time difference :-)

Nalon said...

Evening Anette,

I hope you enjoy the time with Mio. He little one know the best place in the world! The chest from his mother:D

Your Outfit look great like ever. But your saturday´s outfit is the best.

How is the spring in Sweden?

I was on a concert last week and is was awesome:D

Sleep well!


Unknown said...

Congratulations for the sweet baby!!!many best wishes for him!!
And wow!You look fantastic after you just gave birth!!Forgeous!