Monday, April 22, 2013

The weekend

Hi all;=)

Hope you have had a great weekend and are ready for a new week!

This weekend has been filled with a liitle ill Nemo who has had really high fever and today some bad rashes on him so now he and Johan is visiting the doctor. I hope it´s nothing serious.

Otherwise a weekend where we´ve been out in the lovely weather, me and Mio and here´s some photos  I took for Instagram. A warm and springy day:=)

Later on yesterday all kids did hand and foot prints on canvases, that we´re going to put on the walls. I am only missing Mio´s feet on the big canvas, so when that is done I´ll post photos of them:=) So cute with all kids hands to see their different sizes;=)

Then early today I took Mio and Nemo and went to the baby nurse for a weigh in and measurements of Mio. Here in Sweden we do this every week first month and then every second week and so on to see that the babies are growing as the should. Mio lost weight after birth and that´s ok and normal and now he´s almost in his birth weight again. Today 4030 gram and he´s tall - 56,5 cm. All boys are and has been thin but tall so he´s following his brothers;=)

Enjoy your evening now!


Unknown said...

Hey Anette!

I didn't write here for a while, basically because.I was really busy with school. But this is the last week of school before the springholiday, so it's not really hard at school.. :)

I'm so glad your weekend was okay! And I hope Nemo will be better soon! But little guy.

I hope you're having a great evening as well, so... Yeah. Haha


LindaS said...

Such a beautiful place you live Nettie. I wish I could be in a country like Sweden. Your photos have me dreaming of a complete different life than I have here is Wisconsin, U.S.

I do hope little Nemo is not too sick. Please keep us posted.

Love to your beautiful family.


Océane said...

Love you photos =)

I spend my week end at work till 9pm so not a cool weekend!
I work all week long till, again, 9pm but then on sunday and till wednesday I'm off to Futuroscope, which is a big amusement park, with my family to celebrate my grand parents 50years wedding! Héhé strange place to celebrate that but they loved it few years ago so we thought it could be funnier than a meal with too many people =)

So I can't wait to be sunday! =)

And im glad to read you had a nice weekend and the weather is lovely, finally in Sweden! =)

Oh did you sign your contract for the PO box? Maybe you didnt have time to do it! =)

Love &Hugs

XxBriannaxX said...

Aw im so sad to hear about poor little Nemo. :(
I hope.its nothing serious and I hope he feels a lot better soon.. I send my prayers to him. And the fopt and hand print canvas sounds so cute,what a lovely idea. ;-) Good to hear little Mio is growing good just as his brothers! Enjoy your day,and big hugs to you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all photos! They are great ;-)
Hope Nemo feel better very soon! A lot of health and positive thoughts to little Nemo!
Enjoy this evening ;)
Love and hugs

Betty Blue said...

Poor Nemo! I hope he´s better soon!

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

The photos look great, thank you for sharing :). Nice that you have such a good weather.

Oh, I hope that there´s nothing serious with Nemo. All the best for him!

Take good care of yourself now, please :).


Sanna said...

Hey! :)

Synd att Nemo e sjukt, men bra att det annars går bra! Kan dock inte låta bli att fråga - man kan inte behärska sig som gymnasie elev som går en kurs i utvecklingspsykologi - att hur har Nemo reagerat på Mio? :) Har han varit okej med honom från början eller har det blivit svartsjuka i någon form? :) Förlåt om det är för personligt eller så, vi talade bara om det idag på lektionen och kunde nu då inte låta bli att fråga:D

Sköt om er! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to read you had a nice weekend Anette :-) Although I was working yesterday ( Sunday ) and had a headache it was a nice shift for once. So yeah, I've also had a nice weekend :-)

Poor Nemo :-( I hope he gets better very soon! :-)

Goodnight Anette! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anette!

I love your pretty pictures. I hope Nemo is okay. :( I cannot wait to see Mio's little feet canvas. I love baby's little feet! Everybody says I have cute feet, but a baby can outbeat me anyday and I'll be fine with that. Lol

Unknown said...

Crebse: Hej, jag har också läst den kursen:=) Nemo älskar Mio så ingen svartsjuka mot honom men han är utåtagerande mot oss. De säger det brukar vara cirka 2 månader så vi får hoppas det;=) Trots är alltid jobbigt. Ha det bra nu och lycka till med plugget!