Thursday, April 25, 2013


One thing I love not being pregnant anymore, is to open my closet and jump in to all my dear pants and jeans I´ve longed to wear;=) Like these camo jeans from Zara with studs I love:

 At the moment I am in a blouse mode. Not only is it fresh to combine jeans with a blouse or shirt, but it´s also convenient when nursing my little one. Here´s a favourite blouse of mine, designed by a friend of mine. Her brand is called SixtyDays=)

  I also love that spring is here so I can wear all my lovely sneakers, These are old but favorites from ASH. Nemo also has several shoes from them.

 And for my tired and black puffy eyes, the eye bright pen from Benefit is a saviour! Put it under the eye and inside the lower eye lid for brighter and less tired eyes.
My favourite lip gloss is this from Chanel. Perfect peachy color for spring:

My hair is so in need of a hair cut so I´ve booked an appointment for saturday but until then I hide the torned ends by putting it in a hair do. Yesterday a sideways one;=)

Now time to read this month´s MAMA magazine and it has several career mum´s in it telling how they combine their work with motherhood so a good read for every mum out there;=)

Enjoy this thursday and hugs to you all!


XxBriannaxX said...

You're so beautiful :D I love the outfit,those jeans are sooo cute and I love the shoes too hehe :-) Enjoy your day,and I send big hugs to you honey. ♥

Janina said...

I love your clothes on these photos, looks so cool and stunning!

DreamerGirl131 said...

Hi Anette

You look so beautiful and I really love your sneakers ♥ they look so amazing :) I hope you had a wonderful day :)

You might remember Sabine who has commented here...she asked me to ask you something but she's too shy...she thinks that people don't care about her and she (and me) needs something to disprove this... so well it'd be really lovely if you answered somehow and you'd even more become my idol (if it's possible because I already adore you :))

I wish oyu wonderful days!

IAN:) said...

Dear Anette,

Hows motherhood going for you? I hope all is well at your home :) I just wanted to say that I just got my copy of Imaginaerum the movie and I am blown away! It sadly never premiered here in the U.S. so I had to buy the DVD, but wow money well spent. The whole band was fantastic but seeing you sing Slow Love Slow and Scaretale just brought back memories of seeing you live in Kansas and brought tears to my eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy because I got to "see" you perform my two favorite songs off that album one last time. The movie was truly fantastic and you are a very talented actress if you ever want to be :) Have a fantastic day.


Sara Holopainen said...

One year ago, I was watching Battle Beast while waiting for Nightwish :') You were PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL! Best day of my life.
Thank YOU, Anette! You're perfect.
Kisses from Italy.

Fay said...

How funny! Here in Holland we have the MAMA Magazine too. I didn't know it was international.

I hope you enjoyed this peacefull weather.
Here in Holland it was 22 degrees that's hot for this time of the year.

lots of love!

Unknown said...

Hi Anette!

I didn't know you were still blogging so I'm happy to find this! I wanted to say congrats on your new baby! I'm so happy for you!

I just wanted to drop by and thank you for all the beautiful music you've created. I love both Alyson Avenue and Nightwish! Your voice is so wonderful and I can't wait to hear more songs from you in the future! I'm looking forward to it, and possibly being able to meet you one day and thank you in person! Have a great day! I'll be reading you're blog more often! <3


Unknown said...

Hi Anette!

I didn't know you were still blogging so I'm happy to find this! I wanted to say congrats on your new baby! I'm so happy for you!

I just wanted to drop by and thank you for all the beautiful music you've created. I love both Alyson Avenue and Nightwish! Your voice is so wonderful and I can't wait to hear more songs from you in the future! I'm looking forward to it, and possibly being able to meet you one day and thank you in person! Have a great day! I'll be reading you're blog more often! <3


James Oakes said...

Heyy Anette! The army pants are cool, and I too need to get a hair cut. I don't think I've been in 6 months and theres a knot in the back of my hair that looks like a dead

Anyway I just watched Imaginearum and I really loved it. The story was really touching and ofcourse the music was great. I really loved your parts as well and thought you did such a good job! The only thing I found a little disapointing was that non of the band members had any speaking parts.

Anyway hope everything is great with you and best wishes to you and your family. James x