Monday, August 24, 2015

When you loose that sparkle….

My dear loved ones and readers,

Since I get so many questions about my career as a singer, a new album and so on I feel I need to open my chest about how I feel about this and my future within music so here we go:

I don't want the blog to be all about shallowness and beauty but also some words about me and how I feel now and then since I believe its good to share what we learn in life so that someone else might not do the same "mistakes"

In my life all I wanted was to sing, from when I was so little, a couple of years old, I have always said I ´m going to be a singer.

During my life, singing has given me comfort when I have been feeling sad, down and also happy. When I was bullied in school I always went home and sang my lungs out and cried and it made me COPE with the bullying and being strong throughout the years.

When I was 21 and started Balettakademin I was so thrilled to become a musical artist and I went for it with such joy and happiness the first weeks but since the school was so focused on thin bodies and telling us to NOT eat and smoke more cigarettes I found myself being more and more depressed and loosing faith in becoming a singer. Cause I couldn't understand why a singer need to look a certain way  and being bullied AGAIN was just enough for me.

I left the school, my dream, and didn't sing for half a year. NOT a damn note came over my lips. I lost faith and wanting to become a singer.

But since music has always been my life savior I couldn't keep off it for long and finally started singing again with Alyson avenue, my band, that I loved and where I felt I could be ME and sing MY way. Niclas lyrics and music were easy, happy tunes and it made me feel alive again.

The other guys in the band never wanted fame but I felt I needed to pursue my dream once more and started to work more in the studio with other bands and earned money in many ways. Singing at lovely weddings, baptisms, at parties and so on and it was FUN and no worries.

Then after I got my first son Seth I wanted to study in the university to get a real diploma and a great job and I started pursuing this and put my focus on a normal life. A normal job and letting go of the dream of working as a singer full time since so many times I´ve seen the music business bad sides when record labels wanted to sign me but demanded me to dress in tiny outfits and change my person complete. I just can't give up on who I am and my beliefs for someone else's desire.

I remember being with a record label guy in Copenhagen, trying out a song to be signed with them, where I took my boyfriend with me to keep me safe, since I didn't know these people, I was quite young and after just talking via the phone, who knows who these people would be?
When we had been in the studio recording all day, me doing a great job, them liking it, my bf sitting quietly in a corner, not disturbing, the record label producer takes me to the side, saying quietly; you know, Anette, in the music business the golden rule is to NEVER bring your boyfriend to the studio.

...when he said that I knew that it was all just a lot of bullshit and that all he really wanted was probably something totally different than me singing.

Disgusting and once again I lost faith to the business side of music...

So many sick and disturbing men I´ve met along these years that uses women and using their power. Promoters using girls that only want to meet the band, telling them to do sexual favors and then they´ll get them in to the backstage,..

As a woman being in the music business I am not the first one to tell that its a man´s world and it´s making me tired and sick and even the fans only take the men´s sides. 

It make me sad, it make me tired and it has made me loose all the sparkle for music and singing.

I prefer to be in the "normal" world, the normal working business, going to my summer job, taking care of my elderly people and pursuing my career as a nurse, where I get RESPECT for what I do. No one cares HOW I look, no one talks sex-talk with me, trying to make me feel disrespected as a woman and where I get appreciated for being a kind, warm, caring person. Not demanding me to put out my hard elbows and be tough, not ever showing myself sensitive, having a bad day, crying on stage after endless tours loosing sleep, missing my kids, being told I am FAT from the people I work with when being pregnant and so on..

Well the list is LONG and endless of all the things I have had to put up with.

And to all those out there who want to say I am ungrateful person, a person who complains and whine - well let me do it. I am the only one who have been there, seen the backsides you haven't and felt the things I´ve done.

In the music business its always a lot of people trying to take advantage of you, stealing your money and talking BIG but then its all a balloon that pops and out comes nothing of what they´ve said you´d get.

Being in the music business is about being in a world of DREAMERS who normally have NO CLUE of how it is to live in the real world. Sad but true…

Since 2012 my sparkle to sing is lost and I don't know if it will ever come back but I am actually more happy today studying to be a nurse and I feel my life is richer now than it has ever been before.

ENJOY your day!


Unknown said...

Måste erkänna att jag inte är förvånad. Kändes som en tidsfråga innan ett sådant här inlägg skulle dyka upp. Tycker det är synd, jag hade hoppats på att du skulle fortsätta med din karriär efter NW och allt. Gillade verkligen din soloplatta :)

Och inte för att vara sådan, men jag tror att du helt enkelt haft oturen att jobba med "fel" folk. Människor som inte passar dig och den du är. Ingen tvekan om att musikbranschen är mansdominerad, men det finns bra människor där också, det är jag säker på. Jag säger inte att det är fel av dig att klaga, du har all rätt i världen, och jag respekterar det.

Men du ska självklart göra vad som känns bäst för dig och ingen annan. Det glädjer mig att du verkar mycket lyckligare nu. Kram! :)

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

Wow... this post is so moving and it touched me deeply while reading it. First of all, I absolutely support and understand you when you say that you don´t want to sing at the moment, or maybe even never again. After all those things you describe that you had to face, it´s more than understandable and I will always follow and support you on, also without music, but more on this later :).

I find it so sad that in the music business women are often reduced to their looks and only count if they appear sexy and are ready to do naughty things. This is not fair, and that I say as a man! It´s the character and, for singing, the voice that should count. Those things you had to go through are horrifying and disgusting and I feel so sorry for you that you had to make those experiences and to face such horrible and in my opinion embarassing men! And if someone really says on this that you are complaining and whining, this person just has no feelings and a stone inside instead of an heart.

But Anette: This all leads me to telling that there is one aspect, apart from all the other ones of course, that I always deeply admired and respected about you: That you never ever sold you and your body to the music business. I mean, If I may say this, you are an incredibly beautiful woman, but you never tried to get more attention through hot pictures and clothes that show the whole body and all this stuff and that´s what always brought and still brings you my deepest respect, apart from your great personality and your music.

I can just repeat what I said many times in here: You can be very proud on everything you achieved in music, you were the "main character" in two amazing Nightwish - albums, your solo album "Shine" is a masterpiece and also in all the other things like Tähdet Tähdet or the gigs you played you were stunning! And when you think that now it´s the time to say goodbye to music and focus on other things, it´s your absolute right, I respect and support it and you can be sure that you leave lots of outstanding memories in the music world that I will always cherish fully :).

And it is also that for me, since I got to know you from Nightwish, there wasn´t only the musician Anette, I also felt that the person Anette is really wonderful and amazing and I think that made me to a follower of yours in the end. And as I said above, it will stay like this, I can assure you. Even when you are done with music, when there will be no further album and no other tour, I did and always will admire you as person and therefore I will be always there, follow and commenting your blog here, your instagram and facebook :). This became a part of my life and that was because of your personality which is warm, friendly and amazing!

I also wish you an enjoyable day and I´ll always be here and support you also in your normal life, because I admire you so much for the person you are! You are an inspiration and a heroine for me and even if you don´t make music anymore this will never change :).

Lots of hugs and light to you and thank you for everything that you are!

blog said...

I have never commented on any of your posts anywhere, but I really feel the need to do it here in hopes thay you'll see this. I have been such a huge fan of your work as a singer since you joined nightwish. You were the great singer of my teenage years. I feel really sad that I never got to see you live: I was too young in 2008 to go to a metal concert and in 2012 you weren't there anymore, I even sold my ticket for that reason. It really made me happy to see you sing in your own way and dress however the hell you felt like dressing... that was very unique and really inspiring. It hurts to know that you lost the sparkle that I always saw in you.
Right now I feel really sad to know that this is it, that I'll never get to see you in person to tell you how amazing I think you are. But of course I still wish you the best of the best in the world. I hope you feel as loved as you always deserved to be.

The warmest hugs from Brazil,

Unknown said...

Hi, dear Anette. I'm really sad with your decision as I'm a fan of you and your career. I understand your decision and wish all the best for you and your family. But I also hope something about singing starts to catch fire soon again! Take care!

Unknown said...

Hi, dear Anette. I'm really sad with your decision as I'm a fan of you and your career. I understand your decision and wish all the best for you and your family. But I also hope something about singing starts to catch fire soon again! Take care!

karin said...

Dear Anette : “love the life you live.
live the life you love.” That's al there is :-) Wish you a very happy life , but I believe you have already. You're doiing great.
Lots of love Karin.

Unknown said...

God bless you.

I´m always can hear you anytime i want. Tou left a legacy and your voice has been recorded to eternety.

Keep shinning.

Unknown said...

God Blees you.

I´m always can hear your voice. You left a legacy, recorded for infinty.

Keep shinnig.

Unknown said...

You already have so much great music behind you that brought a lot of joy to many people. And I'm sure all of us are glad to see you happy now doing what you do. And we will be waiting for you in case you get your sparkle back ;)

Dotti said...

Thank you for sharing your personal story with us. For us who don't know anything about "behind the scenes", this is truly a wake up call. That the life of famous people (mudicians, actors and so on) isn't always as glamorous as it seems.
I love your music, but I understand you. You need to do what's best for you no matter what. If you get the sparkle back som day, great! But if you don't, you can be proud of the music you made. And of your beautiful family :) Thank you for being you ♡ Hugs from Dotti xx

@letirreis said...

Hi Anette,
I've never commented on any of your posts, but now I felt that I needed to, even if you never get to read it. People can be really stupid and bad and act in an irrational way, even though we all know who is wrong in the whole story. And believe it, we do know.
Be happy, Anette. Be you. Do something that, when you lay down at the end of the day, you feel good and proud and realize that you can be the way you are... everyone should...
And if you ever get your sparkle back, we will be here for you :)

Ligeia Noire said...

Dear, so sad to read that you went through all that pain, we want so much to see you shine. I can't imagine how it must have been to be a part of a bloody misogynist money grabbing band that said you were like family and then stabbed you in the back just because you were pregnant. Pregnancy is not a disease, you can't just replace your lead singer just because she doesn't agree with you. What about all that hate she faced, a fucking heavy tour with no experience, singing songs out of her tessitura? There are still people out there that don't understand your side, that don't know that the heavy metal scene is one of the more misogynist out there and think you are whining. Poor of them. How unbelievable cruel it must have been to take all that shit, death threats included, getting hospitalized and having no one to stand by your side. You are a strong woman with such a joyous personality and such a gorgeous bluesy voice, a lot of love and strength for you dear. We are waiting to see you blow us away with that opera rock show, show them how powerful you are because we, your admirers, we already know that.

Sara said...

I love you so much as a singer and as a person, you're amazing and you have a beautiful soul. I hope you be happy with your decision. Don't worry about these people insulting you, you're better than that
Kisses from Brazil <33

Sara said...

I love you so much as a singer and as a person, you're amazing and you have a wonderful voice. I hope you be happy with your decision. Don't worry about these people insulting you, you're better than that.
Kisses from Brazil <33

Karin said...

Very intense text and so straight from the heart.

You have a gift ; your wonderful voice. But yes, there are other things in life!

I can imagine the struggle of " making it" in the musicbusiness. You have to " become something" , you have to look a certain way, you have to do things you don't want to... No, that is not fun, and that is not the way you wanna live your life. Some people probably " sell their souls" just to "become somebody"

I just want to say that somehow I am proud of what you are doing. This is now your thing! You will become a great nurse, because you have seen and experienced different things in life.
You will always have the songs in you. You will always have your voice.
But the main thing is to enjoy what you do, to love those workdays, to love your work, because if you don't , you can't be happy.
I am so glad that you have found that! The love and happiness in every day. To enjoy these small moments that become a whole life.
I will always be your "fan" , because I like you. Whether you sing, or whatever:)

Keep on going Anette! Love you ❤️

IsaWolfheart said...

I wish you all the best for you Anette <3


Anix said...

Dearest Anette,
I’m so sad reading this post. It’s horrible to learn that what you love made you suffer; or, better, people in that world. Why must people be so mean? Why must the music industry work that way?
I don’t know much about your music experience before Nightwish. As many people around the world, I got to know you through them, so I’ll write about that, sorry if I bring up painful memories.
25-05-2007, I still have the mail from NB. I heard a small part of Eva. The first thing I thought, sorry sorry sorry, was not about you. I thought “Tuomas makes no mistakes, he knew what he was doing when he chose the singer”. Then I thought “this new vocalist is awesome!! What a voice!! She’s perfect! They couldn’t find anyone better!!”. And I was hurt and sad and mad when I found out that not everybody liked you. That’s not the problem, but why people felt the urge to say it everywhere, even with very hurtful and rude words (and I think also with facts)? If you can’t stand the singer, stop following the band! Go away! Don’t ruin everything for her and for us. I hated each one of them, not because I believe you are a good singer, but because you are first of all a person, a human being. Nobody deserves what you got from many “fans”. And I loved you all the more for it. Because despite all that shit you’ve always been positive and full of energy and you never gave up. I admired you most of all as an example of a great and strong woman. Ah, and by the way, you’ve always been beautiful! Who told you fat? Always. Been. Beautiful. (With some extra chilos or very thin… B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.) Ok? And I’m a woman! I don’t sexualize anything, then my opinion counts! And you’re a singer! Why should your looks matter? I listen to the voice and there could be Godzilla on stage. Bah, I’m sad that the joy you brought us cost a lot of your own happiness. That is not fair and I think you are making the right choice now. I supported you as a singer and I’ll support you as a nurse, even though we’ll hear less music from you. Do what makes you happy. After all I don’t think it’s over. There’s always Richard, right? Do you know if there will be a dvd or a cd? Will you be at the stage door? I still have to decide if going to London, but the tickets for the show aren’t available yet. Hard choice.
Anyway, sorry again if my comment made you sad because I tried to cheer you up. There are people in the world that, even if they don’t know you personally, only wish for your happiness and your well-being.
With love,
Anissa :3

lynn0407escapistgirl said...

Hi Anette,
it's horrible what you experienced in the music business. Telling a pregnant lady she would be fat makes me so angry. I thought people could not be that stupid but it seems humankind is always good for some bad surprises, urgs...
I think the most important thing in life is to do what makes you happy. And you seem to have so much fun with your work and your studies. So if this is what you love to do now you should continue it. You don't owe your fans more music, you already gave us so much wonderful songs to listen. I'm sure if you want to do music again anytime later you'll find a record label with more honest people who respect you as the wonderful person you are. And if you won't return to music business you'll be most certainly the kindest and most beautiful nurse ever. :-)

Shine and lift your head high, dear.
Hugs, Steffi

Namariee - said...

Hi Anette,

I felt sorry for all the things that happen to you. You dont deserve it. Since i wanted to see more works from you as a fan, i can understand that your life is doing well and i hope you the best. Do what your heart says to do.

Its very sad to live with all of that sexism, its hard to being a woman and live with that kind of people. In truth, is hard to be a woman :,(, i know.

Truly hoping you the best....♡

mike2017 said...

Thank you for all you have done for the music industry and I hope you are happy in the rest of your life.

Unknown said...

Hey Anette I can relate... so sad but oh so true, everything you shared I have had some of the exact same stories to tell!! I wish you God's best in everything you do!!!.....Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life....I also work at an Assisted living(nursing Home) where I do use my gifts once again singing once a week...singing will always be apart of you that is for sure, but it doesn't have to be to make a living, joy will spring up once again when, and wherever you chose to sing! Love well, be the best parent you can be....make a difference....this really is the most important any of us can do with the life's we have been given, fulfill your purpose!! God bless you and your lovey family :-)

kerosene said...

I have always thought you are a unique person, very happy with a great spirit and charm on stage.
It makes me feel sad to read this, you only know how you feel and how you felt over these years; but don't forget how happy you made us with all your music and happy thoughts in this blog and everywhere you have been. I hope to know too much about you in the future and who knows? Maybe your sparkle will return in some way (i hope so).
You will always have the support and love from people like us that love you just the way you are.
Wishing you the best from Mexico :)

Dom Douglas said...

Dear Annette, if you decide to sing again in the future, I'll be here to support you and admire!

I love you very very very much!

Celtiberians said...

Hi Anette :-)

My name is Manuel, and I write from Madrid (my English is not very good, so I hope that at least you have an idea of ​​what I mean)

I always heard that the music business has been very hard, as hard as to destroy people and bands ... know well that during your stage in Nightwish, you were not very happy, but I think you brought a lot professionally.

People have always criticized you for many things, often unfairly, but you have always shown great strength and great professionalism ...

Your vocal training is not classical singing, I thought that songs like Love Gosth score, you're not going to sing, but I was very surprised that during the tour, you get to play this song, I think songs like this,

You have made a great effort to interpret it, I think it involves great discipline and determination, on tour, rehearsing, a lot of stress ... with such a complicated song to get to play this song.

I was one of the residents of Madrid who bought a ticket to come see you in Madrid, and unfortunately the concert was canceled, and now, what you write, it will be very difficult to be able to see you sing live :-( (Y in Madrid much more difficult)

But it is also important that you're good, and you can realize yourself in your personal life

I just hope this is a small bump in the road, and at some point we return to hear you sing (even if only covers) :-)

The important thing is that you be happy, and do what you think is best for you, but I hope that at some point back up to sing on stage

I was one of the residents of Madrid who bought a ticket to come see you in Madrid, and unfortunately the concert was canceled, and now, what you write, it will be very difficult to be able to see you sing live :-( (Y in Madrid much more difficult)

But it is also important that you're good, and you can realize yourself in your personal life

I just hope this is a small bump in the road, and at some point we return to hear you sing (even if only covers) :-)

The important thing is that you be happy, and do what you think is best for you, but I hope that at some point back up to sing on stage

A big hug from Madrid

Océane said...

Hi my dear
So sad to read this even if Im not surprised. Music business is not pretty. People think in backstage its all about hugs and smile as on stage but its clearly not.
It seems a tough world and im so sorry to read you've been there.

If what makes you happy and complete is being a mom and having a normal life, then go for it.
You did amazing things, you made people dream (me for example) and realize some of your personnal dreams too.

I dont really understand if, with this post you announce that you stop your music career or if you feel down...
Cause you still have the opera rock starting in October right? Please answer that question :) ❤️

Anyway, if you do stop your music career and if that decision makes you happy, go for it. If you ever want to come back, do! We will be here ❤️

Love and Hugs

Deyanira said...

Dear Anette, Reading this letter, made me feel quite sad, and not because you are leaving the business side of music, its because I didn't even had idea that you have passed through that kind of horrible moments, and I'm sad too because I had the same dream that you had, I used to dream to become a great singer as you, and now I see that you have seen the truth about the business of music and now I think that I lost the sparkle too. But, even you said that you leave this business, you have to know that you have a great, amazing, wonderful, beautiful and a sweety voice, and you have tried, and you got known by a lot of people, including me, and we love you because you made us feel really good with your voice, and you transmited us the power of your voice and your feelings, and all I have to say to you is THANK YOU ANETTE!! Thanks for all the emotions that you made me feel while you were singing, thank you for share this to us, and God bless you in this new path that you will take, I know that you will be so happy, and Im glad for you. We all love you Anette! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Carlos Spartacus said...

Good to know this side of the backstages.
But please don't stop singing, release yourself, without labels, across indie plataforms... for the art, not for money. I bet you will feel better with the support of your fans all over the world, and will not be stressed. Take care , and success in your other career too.

Unknown said...

Dear Anette,

Your text really moved me, it must have been awful to endure such stupid things from all these bunch of stupid people in the music industry. But anyway, I am happy that you are happy now with the new decisions that you made with your life and I want to tell you that, no matter what these brainless people type all over the internet (and I know 99% of them wouldn't have the guts to say it to you in person or endure what you endured), you still have a lot of people that love and support your art, and you as a human being. I don't know you personally, but you just seem so...real, you know? And it is pretty rare to feel like this about an artist.

I just wanted to say that I wish ALL the best and, as a huge fan of your beautiful, powerful and emotional voice, please don't stop singing. Take your time, do the things in your life the way it feels right for you and your family, and when you feel that the sparkle is back, we will be waiting to hear it! I don't care if you choose to join a band, go on solo or just keep posting videos of covers on facebook (a youtube account would be awesome!), as long as your art can keep amazing me the same way when I first listened to you in Nightwish, I will be forever grateful for following and supporting you. Always remember that you now reached a point where your music is not only something that can make you feel happy, you can cheer up a lot of people with your meaningful way to express yourself. And thats a HUGE thing, be proud of making us feel better :)

Best wishes for you my dear,


Unknown said...

Dear Anette,

Your text really moved me, it must have been awful to endure such stupid things from all these bunch of stupid people in the music industry. But anyway, I am happy that you are happy now with the new decisions that you made with your life and I want to tell you that, no matter what these brainless people type all over the internet (and I know 99% of them wouldn't have the guts to say it to you in person or endure what you endured), you still have a lot of people that love and support your art, and you as a human being. I don't know you personally, but you just seem so...real, you know? And it is pretty rare to feel like this about an artist.

I just wanted to say that I wish ALL the best and, as a huge fan of your beautiful, powerful and emotional voice, please don't stop singing. Take your time, do the things in your life the way it feels right for you and your family, and when you feel that the sparkle is back, we will be waiting to hear it! I don't care if you choose to join a band, go on solo or just keep posting videos of covers on facebook (a youtube account would be awesome!), as long as your art can keep amazing me the same way when I first listened to you in Nightwish, I will be forever grateful for following and supporting you. Always remember that you now reached a point where your music is not only something that can make you feel happy, you can cheer up a lot of people with your meaningful way to express yourself. And thats a HUGE thing, be proud of making us feel better :)

Best wishes for you my dear,


Eka said...

I got tô say this, sorry for my terrible english: you're amazing. I was one of those that use tô say that you wasn't a good singer just because... Well, you wasn't Tarja. I couldn't hear you truly, because of my teenager bullshit. Today, thanks to a humor cummunit on facebook, through people in there, I could get know you. Now I know, you're not a good singer, in fact you're good at all. I found out that you're an incredible person, só kind whit everyone and a super mommy. I hope you find your own better way to live and be happy. Im just telling you that for your fans in all over the world ypu will aways shine! People in Brazil love you :*

Eka said...

I got tô say this, sorry for my terrible english: you're amazing. I was one of those that use tô say that you wasn't a good singer just because... Well, you wasn't Tarja. I couldn't hear you truly, because of my teenager bullshit. Today, thanks to a humor cummunit on facebook, through people in there, I could get know you. Now I know, you're not a good singer, in fact you're good at all. I found out that you're an incredible person, só kind whit everyone and a super mommy. I hope you find your own better way to live and be happy. Im just telling you that for your fans in all over the world ypu will aways shine! People in Brazil love you :*

Unknown said...

Hoy recibí una noticia triste, Anette Olzon se retira de la música, sus razones al final no deberían importar tanto como la obra que dejo. Ella fue odiada por muchos, amada por otros tantos mas. Yo la recordare como la Cantante que le cambio la cara al metal en aquel 2007 con DARK PASSION PLAY para mí una de las más valiosas mujeres dentro del rock de los últimos años, ella abrió la puerta para todas esas cantantes que hoy pueden liderar en una banda sin ser una ABURRIDA VOZ DE OPERA. Curiosamente muchas de las canciones que yo compuse en los últimos 5 años las pense fantaseando con su voz. Adiós Anette y espero que algún día puedas reencontrar el amor por la música, el camino es largo y ella jamás nos suelta la mano, a los que nacimos con el arte sonoro en el corazón no hay dolor que nos pueda despojar de su magia.

Unknown said...

Hoy recibí una noticia triste, Anette Olzon se retira de la música, sus razones al final no deberían importar tanto como la obra que dejo. Ella fue odiada por muchos, amada por otros tantos mas. Yo la recordare como la Cantante que le cambio la cara al metal en aquel 2007 con DARK PASSION PLAY para mí una de las más valiosas mujeres dentro del rock de los últimos años, ella abrió la puerta para todas esas cantantes que hoy pueden liderar en una banda sin ser una ABURRIDA VOZ DE OPERA. Curiosamente muchas de las canciones que yo compuse en los últimos 5 años las pense fantaseando con su voz. Adiós Anette y espero que algún día puedas reencontrar el amor por la música, el camino es largo y ella jamás nos suelta la mano, a los que nacimos con el arte sonoro en el corazón no hay dolor que nos pueda despojar de su magia.

Unknown said...

Fuck off the music business. Do it a new song , a new album if you wanted, if not, don't do it. The musicswhat you sung and record, will be in my heart forever. Be happy always!

Unknown said...

Dear Anette, you never stopped to sparkle. Some people never try to see the enough to find the beauty in your work, to appreciate your art and everything you do; the music is the most beautiful thing in the creation but unfortunately is so limitated too, for the musical industry and includes the society, but you're the only one to decide the value that it has for you. Your music is incredible and I like it, and personally I think you´re so brave about your choice, I wish you the best and we can be sure that you will shine in whatever you do because you´re unique. This is not as a farewell, is just the beginning of something new for you and for us, your fans, who will support to you in whatever that you decide in the future. Thank you for everything.
Kisses, Elizabeth from Mexico

Unknown said...

My dear Anette I hope you find happiness, I really wish to heart, and I support you in this decision, I wish you the best in life and when you want to return we will be waiting with open arms. we love you and good luck in this new stage of your life.

Unknown said...

Dear Anette:
I respect your decision and I know that feel all these horrible things. The fact is, your real fans (like me), we will miss you like you have no idea, and why? Because you’re one of the most powerful woman in this world; you deserved all our love.

Maybe is rare, but I think a fanatic feel sad for this, but a real fan feel happy for you, because although we did not want, we know this is what you want to do.

I love you dear, thanks for all.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anette, I never got to tell you in person but you have been one of my biggest inspirations since 2007 when I saw you sing at The Masquerade in Atlanta. You taught me what it means to be brave and courageous and what is most important in this life. Thank you for that.

Loki said...


Hep-Hep Steff said...

my heart aches for you. having some friends who are independant artists, i know how hard this work could be... (yes, people, it's still work. it's not some kind of job like sitting beside a desk for some hours, but it doesn't mean there is not a lot of things behind. you do not record songs without working them before, and there is a lot of things and people involved before the finished product. and you do not sing on stage without working countless hours before.) one of my friend is very happy doing here job all by herself, with some help from a few friends. she is selling her cds herself via her own website (all personally signed), record her songs at her home studio with the young musican she work with, is a lot behind her facebook profile, and do some concerts to pay the bills.... but then she is luck, if you could say this since some people stop only with this song, to have a world wide hit called voyage voyage.... another one, who made a quite big hit in france in 85 ou 86, is struggling and try to work in a more classic way. she had an album out past years, but the distributor messed up with it, and appart some people who know her, this album is quite unknown. she have a great song, ready to be a dancefloor hit, she know it's good and every people who listened to it think it's a hit. but nobody whants her in her job, because she is the girl who sang this stupid song in the 80's. she sometimes sound quite desperaied about it, and really disgusted... i have a few other friends who are not working as artists anymore, being disgusted by what happened to them.... it seems all good from an outsider, but when you know how it is behind the curtains it could make people sick...... and it seems it's even harder for women. i am sorry you do not have this sparkle anymore, but i do understand. i hope for your ears it will come back, but you have to be happy first, it's the the most important thing. you have my email, if you need someone to talk i'm here.
hugs & love <3

alejuliet said...

Hi Anette, I really loved this post, it feels so honest and real. I'm really happy that you chose to do what you prefer and be in peace with yourself. Your voice is a gift to the world and I'm honored that I had the chance to enjoyed your music while I could. Thank you :)

Unknown said...

Dear Miss Anette . I am sorry to hear that . I feel happy and sad days sometimes , i cried as-well many times. I feel like hurt , i wanna be happy with all the people around me and loved ones. I put weights on , I want to be slim to look good . I will be less eat something . I want to listen to the music . But i never met Nightwish bands members in person,sad to hear that they were my wish , when i was a young child. And I never met when they were with Tarja. I want to just listen to them. At home i often do cleaning. I just feel sorry that i just want to be happy and love peoples. I have a mad feelings sometimes too, i feel sick during my morning wakes- up and things like that,I want to be happy . But thank you for posting your stories in there. I wish you good luck with the rest .You might know I really appreciate your music.Will you please sing again?:=) I just like to listen to your music and a solo career. Good Luck with the work.

Tathiane Geronimos said...

I am sad and upset
you are talented and you have a amazing voice
don't forget about fans who support your career
We respect and compliment you
I hope your sparkle can return somehow best wishes and good luck as a nurse !!

Tathiane Geronimos said...

I am sad and upset
you are talented and you have a amazing voice
don't forget about fans who support your career
We respect and compliment you
I hope your sparkle can return somehow best wishes and good luck as a nurse !!

Chip Moody said...

Hi Anette!

So happy that you're enjoying life and your current pursuits, though I am a little heartbroken that the music industry experiences have soured you from one of your other joys. :(

I for one will always delight in hearing your voice any time I play your solo album or either of the fantastic albums you did with your previous band, and will be forever thankful that fate allowed me the opportunity to meet you in person during one of your visits to the US. But when I listen to you sing on recordings now, I will be additionally happy knowing that you're doing something else that you love and get fulfillment from.

Best wishes,
- Chip

César said...

My dearest Anette,

I'm so sorry to read this, I try to understand how you felt at all those moments and your feelings about this post. I'm sending you all my love and respect.

To me, you are a beautiful human being and a woman! I've always compared you to an Angel, you're an example of kindness and a good heart. That's why I cry of happiness every single time I finish listening to your album Shine.
You must always do whatever makes you happy and going on everyday. If you're truly happy now with your studies and being a nurse, I'm feeling happy too :)
I'm feeling happy that we get to know a lot about you here and on Facebook, because you want to be with us and share parts of your life as well! :D

No one knows what will come in the future, but I keep the hope that the sparkle will eventually be back, in some way. If it doesn't, at least I can listen to your voice again through your beautiful album and through the NW albums too!

Remember, we love you and respect you! ^^ We'll still be here reading you.
Sending again tons of big love and hugs, I hope your day is SHINY and you Keep Your Head HIGH :)

With much love from Spain,

Read you soon!!!

GothicNarcissus said...

Dear Anette,

Maybe I'm reading too deep between the lines and seeing things that are not there… but while I can see a lot of old frustration piling up from very early in your career, I think it's no mystery what the final straw was, why you're giving up now after putting up with so much. So, do you mind if I'm 100% honest for a second?

It's true, you never quite fit in Nightwish. Well, you know what? Take pride in that. As frustrating and hurtful as it might have been back than, as awful as it is to deal with even now, being unfit in that bunch, being unloved by their supporters, that's not something that diminishes your human or artistic value: on the contrary, it means you're above and beyond that swamp. You're so much more than an easy cash mashine, than complete artistic stagnation, than gargantuan egos devoided of any content. Did their fans turn on you the moment they dismissed you? Of course they did, they can't see past those shallow but shiny metaphores, they never switch their brain on and try to be objective in their judgement, they would never betray their precious Maestro and listen to the other side. The fault lies in them, not you. And don't believe anyone if they call you ungrateful, because sure, you got more exposure by joining the band, but your voice was the only novelty that prevented people from seeing that Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum were basically just Once 2.0 and 3.0 respectively. You benefitted them more than they did you.
So please, be proud. Be proud of not fitting in an over-glamourised mediocre band which has been recording the same songs for over a decade. Be proud of being too much for their adoring fans to take. Be proud of how much you've grown vocally since 2007 despite exhausting tours with songs that just weren't yours, even though many people would ignore or downright deny how much you keep constantly improving yourself. And most importantly, be proud of being a much better human being than those who were around you.

And don't forget: even though the bullies are louder, there's plenty of people who love and support what you do and actually believe it's not the girl's fault when music business screws her over. I'm sorry I didn't come out sooner and let you hear one more supporting voice back then, as small as it might have been. I respect your decision and wish you the best of luck with your everyday life, hoping you will find the spark again when the right time comes. But I really had to write you this, because you're not the first artist I like who gave up because of egotistic colleagues and ungrateful, bullying fanbases. You're worth infinitely much more than any of them might ever say.

With love,

Unknown said...

You could make an album sponsored by your fans, some Brazilian artists and also the North American band L7 are doing so. Fans deposit money for the costs and when the amount is reached you launch the album and sends to fans sponsored by the post office. It would be a way to let the fans satisfied and you would still be exercising his wonderful gift of singing and composing but without the damn "music business". Be happy always, Anette!

Unknown said...

TLDR: You are an amazing person and artist and I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me at a Nightwish concert meet and greet.

Hello, Anette,

I know nothing about the music industry, but from interviews I read and listen to from independent music artists (Amanda Palmer, Doubleclick) the sense I get is that with current technology, the need for a middleman is virtually nil these days. You already have a fanbase, so if you ever want to continue singing and recording albums, you could record and distribute it yourself online and not have to rely on the alternately capricious and lecherous whims of music producers and studios. You would have total freedom and would be able to embrace only those aspects of music that interest you (the creative and soul-enriching aspects) while jettisoning all the political and business elements that have caused you so much pain over the years.

Of course, being a nurse is also an incredibly important job and opens up a lot of opportunities for you as well. My sister is a nurse and while it's a job I could never handle, she loves it and finds it fulfilling. The only aspect of it she hates is the practical reality of dealing with health care/insurance companies, but she practices in America. I'm not sure if that's as big an issue in Europe.

Also, I wanted to say that despite all the adversity you must have faced while touring with Nightwish, both internally (from the record label, band members, whoever) and externally (the Tarja die-hards who refused to give you a chance), you never acted with anything less than grace and warmth to the fans. I can tell you there are innumerable people like myself who really appreciate and admire your strength and graciousness in that regard. I saw Nightwish at a show in Mokena, Illinois, USA way back in 2008 (I think) and I upgraded to VIP for the show, which included a meet and greet beforehand. The other band members were content to sign my poster and slide it down the table without so much as making eye contact with me (Tuomas acted like I accosted him when I tried to shake his hand, lol) but you took the time in those few seconds to smile and ask me how I was doing. I was too star-struck to come up with a coherent answer but you still treated me with respect and kindness.

I say this not to denigrate the other members of Nightwish in an attempt to make you look better by comparison--I'm just being honest in order to illustrate how easy it must be, when your dream job becomes an actual job--one you have to get up and perform any day like any other job--to start to view your audience as just another aspect of the work, to be dealt with and tolerated. You always (so far as I can tell anyway) took the time to make your fans feel appreciated, to make them feel like real individuals who were worth your time. I don't mean to sound trite, but that's the only sort of beauty any artist or producer really ought to be concerned with, and you have that in spades. I just wanted to thank you for that fleeting experience many years ago and to let you know that if it meant that much to me, you can be sure it meant as much to countless others you're not hearing from. I know that can't make up for or erase all the bad memories accumulated from pursuing your dream, but hopefully you know that regardless of all the extenuating circumstances, you always did the right thing, and it always mattered.

TheDeadUnicorn said...

I am speechless.
But I can't say I didn't see it coming.
All I manage to say right now is that I'm crying,that I am so proud of you,and that you are amazing.You're very strong and brave,and I love you so much.
I will always support you.This post is inspirational.
You're going to be so happy and light as a feather.I know it.
I wish you the best.Please remember I,and many others,are always with you,

Lichtgestalt said...

Oh, dear Anette, I don't even know what to say... It's so sad - and maddening! - to see what these people did to you.
I was anxious to hear new songs, I admit it, 'cause hear you - and even see you in the stage - is so good, so beautiful but now... My only wish is you to be happy and if that means never hear you again, well, so be it. Just keep us updated, ok? I mean, if you want it, of course.
Love you and I wish you all the best! You're amazing! <3 And thank you for sing all this time, I'm sure it made so many people happy.
Kisses from Brazil! ;*

Ruurd Woltring said...

You're right about not believing that guy from that studio, Anette. From my personal perspective, he just said those kind of things for no reason whatsoever. It doesn't make any sense, in all honesty.

I'm 100% sure that you'll never lose your spark of fame, neither your talent. Just keep on fighting for your dreams and you'll get there.

Unknown said...

Dear Anette!
I must say that those truths you stated made me think about young artists who are about the enter the music world, and they have no idea what is it really like to be a musician: everyone are having fake visions, and they are partly blind to the ugly side of success...
I am really sorry you went through all this bad stuff, but don't worry- those who tried to destroy you didn't; for your life is now fulfilled and complete after all struggles with industry and NW.
Stay strong


Betty Blue said...

It is sad to hear how hard your life was while you tried to live your dream. But you are strong, my dear, so very strong!
Be yourself, and being a nurse is the best job ever.
Stay strong! :-*

Unknown said...

Anette ... I am a hero in real life. The way to happiness, strength and motivation we need to follow it, are Divine Blessings. Congratulations on your beautiful family that preserves so carefully, by overcoming examples, the wonderful voice. "BE THE WOMAN IN THE WORLD HAPPY!" KISSES

Unknown said...

I'm very sad it's come to this point, I can't really understand why things in music are so difficult to you Annette. I hope you'll come back one day. I'm your fan! And please, don't go away! Take care!

Unknown said...

I'm very sad it's come to this point, I can't really understand why things in music are so difficult to you Annette. I hope you'll come back one day. I'm your fan! And please, don't go away! Take care!

Tathiane Geronimos said...

Hey Anette
Sparkle your scenery
With turquoise waterfall
With beauty underneath
The Ever Free <3
Do not loose it !

Unknown said...

Dear Anette..i know you thanks to the music you've played and thanks to your voice that really struck me emotionally..but the most important thing is that you are happy in your life and that you do what you feel..and i'm sure all your real fans will be happy with you...:-)

Unknown said...

Dear Anette. I don't know how to say... I am very sad to read it. I just want to say that Yes you had terrible hard time in the past with many men in the business world. But there is still beautiful thing. You have many fans with you who will follow you. I am one of them since Nightwish, and you know it's not the same since you are not with them anymore. I knew them since Imaginaerum and I ABSOLUTELY fallen in love with your beautiful voice. I love that kind of voices and I asked my best friend to give me all the albums with you ! I bought your album shine and i have not been disappointed. You restored me my smile that i've lost. When I listened Shine I feel better and motivated AND STRONG. you gave me the example to stay strong regardless what happened in my life. I really know what is it to feel that you have lost sparkles in your eyes. Ironic it was in 2012 too (march). You are a beautiful soul. I don't care what people said about negative things about you. Remember one thing When someone told you they hate something in you, this this the reflexion about what they HATE in THEM . You are not the problem, they fear you because they want to be like you but they are afraid to do it ! They want to hurt you only about that thing. they want to hurt you because you do not let impress. I don't care how you dress and your shape.

Men can be so stupid . But i know there are still some men who have beautiful mind. It's a good thing that you are no longer with them, because you deserve respect, and be love. Works only with people that you love, ignore negative people. You have your place as a singer. But I think not for right now. Your pain need to be healed. forgive them, because you deserve peace, you will no longer think of them.

Thanks god for gave me the opportunitie to know you even if it's a little part of you. I know that one day you will shine again, you will see all your glory you will rise to the sky.

never let anyone destroy your dreams, take a rest and come back when you will be very ready. We will wait you. I you still don't want to come back as a singer you will be very missed. I wish you beautiful thing for your career as a nurse, you will sing for sick people maybe :) Hope that you will give some news.

I love you thanks for everything ♥

Taryn said...

Hey, Anette... it's been a while since I read your blog, so I had some catching up to do. I didn't realize that you were in school to become a nurse. How cool! I'm also in the medical field.

I just wanted to say I have a lot of respect for you and I'm proud of you for knowing what makes you happy and going for it! The most important thing in anybody's life is to be happy doing what you do. Fame and glamour mean nothing if you're unhappy. Good for you for realizing that. I'm glad you're happier now and feeling fulfilled - and helping others, too!

I have a heavy metal blog, and after reading this, I'm considering doing a post about musicians who have left the industry or put it on the back burner in order to find fulfillment and give back in other ways. Another great example is Matt Barlow, who left Iced Earth to become a police officer. Would you mind if I include you in the article and share the link to your blog?

Unknown said...

Dear Anette... So sad to read this writing since I've just become your fans. For about a year, I always start my day by watching your live video with nightwish (wacken, lowlands, exit, etc). It is very encouraging. At the stage, you are maybe not as powerful as "the other two singers", but you bring so much more energy and happiness. You are my favorite singer of nighwish. I like your "hap hap hap". I like your friendliness. I like your personality.

Finally, it is your right to make your own decission. I hope you'll be happy. You'll be missed, Anette.

Big hugs from Indonesia.

Unknown said...

Dear Anette, I know what you feel. It's sad that you left the stage, but IMHO being happy doing what you want and being who you want is much more important. So I'm glad to see you just living your life the way you want despite all haters etc. wish you good luck with this brand new life.
Your fans will love you anyway. ^^

Morgoth Bauglir said...

Anette, thanks for sharing your stories with us. I am glad you found joy in something, even if it's not music. You have a great gift that is your voice, and all your career has made people happy all over the world . You've done more than enough and your work will always live on.
I think it's best to follow your heart and that's what you did. I am sorry to hear of the bad sides of the music business, and somehow feel that many artists feel the same towards record companies. Wether they are male of female, all I read about from artists about the executives is that they are money hungry people with no respect for the arts and only want to sell . So I completely understand you! I am sorry you had to go through that.

I wish you the best in your future endeavours! Love from a fan from Greece~

Unknown said...

Hi Anette, I'm a fellow singer - wait, ex-singer to be precise - and I'm based in the Philippines. First allow me to say that I'm sad that you decided to call it quits, however I still support your decision. I'm actually on the same predicament as yours (though I never made it in the mainstream scene) so I do understand how you feel, and your post inspired me to express my own thoughts in my blog. I'd like to say thank you for making great music, with or without a band, and that I wish you all the best in your studies and family life. Thank you, Anette! Keep on shining. :)

Mystikal said...

Dear Anette,
I haven't followed your blog for a while now and I had no idea you decided to leave music business. I just read it and feel deeply sorry that we won't enjoy your angelic voice anymore. I want you to know that the first Nightwish song I ever heard was Amaranth and because of you I fell in love with the band's music. DPP and Imaginaerum were probably the best thing to have ever happened to me music wise-your voice has helped me to deal with depression and anxiety and I have always admired you for your strength and how positive you are. I kept following your music after the departure and felt awful after I found out how you were treated by everyone. "Shine" is an album that brings the shine in my life :) Your writing inspired me and is showing once again that women and girls (and also men and boys) are subjects to sexism and unrealistic body images and I can't be happier that you are dealing with those issues and try to give confidence to your fans - men, women, boys, girls from all ages and nationalities.
I wish you all the best and hope that you are very happy because you deserve it. Never forget to shine!

Tristan said...

Hi Anette

I just read this post and wanted to say thank you for sharing such powerful and heartfelt words with your fans. I'm glad that you've found something to do and a way to live that makes you happy - that's what really matters in life! I also wanted to thank you from my heart for your vocals on Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum, which remain two of my favourite all time albums and which got me through some tough times in my life. Always shine your own way!

Unknown said...

I am a fan of your singing and music....And You. You are the reason Imaginaerum is a success. I am sad to see you go, but I do understand. I wish you much happiness and success.... A Forever Fan.