Friday, April 21, 2017

Baby baby I´m a star=)

Hey all and happy friday!!!

So happy today cause my vocals for the album with Jani are ALL DONE! Yeah! Now Jani is gonna do some more harmonies and then it´s time to send them to the mixing guy=) Hep  hep! In my instagram you can listen to a small snippet of one of my favorite songs! 

Here´s my latest outfits for you!

1. shirt GINA TRICOT, jeans H&M, shoes ZARA, scarf STUDIO STILISTA

2. Hoodie RIKA, jeans H&M


Hep-Hep Steff said...

i couldn't wait to be able to listen your next album. i have the feeling it will be wonderful to listen.... i will not hear the snippet, though, it will be too hard to have to wait so many time for the whole song....
hugs & love from the bottom of my heart <3

Elvenpath said...

That little preview sounds amazing!!! (Though I was expecting to hear you singing). Can't wait for it!!! <3

Tathiane Geronimos said...

Sometimes I peep your blog dear and I send you hugs
Have a great week !!

Tathiane Geronimos said...
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