Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just finished watching this

A truly important documentary about bullying and I recommend everyone to see it. Especially parents and teachers, principals and others working with school children.


Océane said...

I'll see tomorrow if I can find it over internet!
But yeah if teachers, parents etc could watch it it would be great. I remember when I was bullied at school they (teachers, principals...) thought it wasnt important and serious enough to pay attention and help me. And because of that it got worse and worse every day. I dont know if you remember my story that I wrote here on your blog when you talked about it in november but I really had bad times during years because of that. And the years in hight school are the worst years of my life. And I truly hope the authorities, governements, teachers and parents will consider bullying as a REAL massive problem in or society that can end by suicide, and others sad things...

Love & Hugs

Anette Olzon Brasil said...

hi Anette.
It seems to be a very interesting documentary.
It reminded me of the story of an American boy who took revenge attacks he suffered at school. I think you know, is a very famous story.
Here is the video
I really hate people who like to fight.
Good night to you and your family
Jag älskar dig ♥


DaAlex01 said...

Hi Anette!
I've been bullied for being gay for years...
What do you think about being gay?
Is it okay for you?
Lots of love

ItInsane said...

Here in Brazil the Cartoon Network, made a campaign against bullying specifically targeted for children, which I think is very important for them to understand early on what it is, and can act as a preventive manner too.
I've been looking at some posts his random, and see what you like makeup, =) http://www.youtube.com/user/MakeUpByCamila2 this youtube link is a channel of a guru is like a Brazilian diva's makeup: =) She makes beautiful tutorials! I hope you enjoy it!

ItInsane said...

Here in Brazil the Cartoon Network, made a campaign against bullying specifically targeted for children, which I think is very important for them to understand early on what it is, and can act as a preventive manner too.
I've been looking at some posts his random, and see what you like makeup, =) http://www.youtube.com/user/MakeUpByCamila2 this youtube link is a channel of a guru is like a Brazilian diva's makeup: =) She makes beautiful tutorials! I hope you enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anette:
I know this is not the theme, but I want to know... which is your favorite color of hair, blonde or black? haha it's a little stupid question but i had to ask you.

Karin said...

I will surely try to watch this.
I work as an assistant in a school, and I see this as my most imortant task: to see, and prevent bullying in time. I was bullied myself when I was young, and I remember how it felt. It feels good somehow, that I can use my own experiences in a way, and prevent others to get in that situation. I hope I can make a difference. I can only do my best !

Unknown said...

Hej Anette,

I was thinking of your fight against bullying this morning while listening to the french news. A 13 years old boy commited suicide because of f*cking bullies. In France adults refuse to see bullying as something important or even real, they usually consider it as "simple childish fights", weldone guys!

Hoping that you had a nice day and wishing you a nice evening, and thank you for sharing so many positive thoughts.


Stefanie said...

Found this on youtube. A Video from a girl called Lizzy Velasques. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIr3mlNINmg&feature=fvwp

Yanna said...

My "little friend" was burried today. He was bullied only because he had red hair.

It's going to haunt me until the end of my life.

Océane said...

@alice : je pense que tu es française car j'ai entendu parler de ce garçon aux infos hier. C'est vraiment tragique... Toutes mes pensées pour toi si tu le connaissais et à sa famille. Je pense que par "little friend" tu voulais dire "boyfriend"?
Sincères condoléances, même si aucun mot ne pourras effacer ou attenuer ta peine.

Yanna said...

@Océane : pas boyfriend non, j'avais 9 ans de plus que lui. nous nous sommes simplement croisés si je puis ainsi dire, nous sommes allés dans la même école pendant 2 ans. C'était un ami de mon voisin du même âge (le monde est très petit en Savoie) et quand les parents me demandaient de surveiller les enfants lors des anniversaires, je le voyais.
Je le connaissais donc de loin, mais la force avec laquelle cela me touche m'étonnerai presque.
J'aurai toujours sa petite bouille dans mon coeur.

Merci pour ton soutien et tes condoléances.