Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Glad Valborg - Happy Walpurgis night - Vappu;=)

Hi all and Glad Valborg or Happy Walpurgis or Vappu!

Today we celebrate this in Sweden and some other countries, such as Finland and Germany. Here you can read all about this celebration and why we celebrate:

Click on the photo below!

Here in Sweden we call it Valborg and we lit bonfires in the evening and sing or listen to spring songs. Here´s a video showing how it can look:
You can hear them sing from 2.10 and forward=)



Baru said...

We, here in Czech republic, call it "Burning the witches", we usually have a huge fire and we burn down the witches made of old clothes. It´s a nice celebration.

Since last year I remember 30th April more because it was Nightwish show in Prague and I had the opportunity to see you from the first line and meet your guys from band after the gig. It was one of my best days in my life. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Anette :)
Oh yeah, Walpurgisnacht it is called here because some people believe that the witches are around tonight. But this evening is also used for "Tanz in den Mai" activities. Means lots of party, alcohol and stuff like that. Even I'm going to one this year though I don't fancy parties that much actually.
Enjoy your day!

Greetings and hugs from Germany

Unknown said...

Wow!!!!!!!!! I really miss bonfires. In my country are forbiden.

Anonymous said...

Sweden seems to be a country of celebrations which I think is nice :-) Walpurgis is one I've never heard of until now so thanks Anette for that :-)

The Swedish celebration I'd really like to attend though would be Midsommardag at the end of June. It sounds really good fun to errect a maypole with some Swedes and then drink and dance around it! :-D

I wish I could take part in that

Karin said...

Glada Vappen ! as we swedish-speaking say in Finland .
And Hauskaa Vappua in Finnish :)

Unknown said...

looks like Bonfire Night. on 5th of November we light bonfires and fireworks. there's also food like jacket spuds (baked potato, cut in half, with coleslaw, cheese, beans or chilli, hotdogs, burgers, sweets (bonfire toffee (my favourite sweet), cinder toffee, liquorish and toffee apples) and for drinks we'll usually have tea or coffee. the kids we give sparklers to wave, make patterns or write their name (i'm sure nemo and seth will love them).
guy flawkes tried to blow up parliament and people have been lighting bonfires on that day ever since. some people make dolls of him to put on the fire...or if you hate the current government a doll of the prime minister or other government official. but generally it's an excuse to have a good time.