Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bake a little cake?

I really feel like baking this lovely cake today;=) Let´s see if I get some "free hands" to do so;=)


Anonymous said...

Someone left some little cakes on the ward yesterday :-) They looked really good but I didn't have enough time for one :-)

I'm off to work now :-) Good luck if you get enough time to bake the cake Anette! :-)

Océane said...

Looks so yummie!
Sure you'll do it good =)
Post us some photos once its done (and send me a little piece :D)

Love & Hugs

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

Wow, that looks so tasty... please bake it and then send a piece to me of it. WITH a card that includes some nice words and that is signed by you, of course. Can we talk about this? :D

Well, have a nice day, dear Anette and enjoy the hopefully good weather :)

Take good care now of yourself please and see you :).


Betty Blue said...

Wow, that looks great! But surely a lot of work to do...
Finally spring has arrived to Germany, it feels so good =) Even motivated me to start some execising again. Let´s see if I´ll be able to stay in control this time or if I will relapse into anorexia, but I think I can make it. I finally want a healthy body, and I can´t hide from sports for eternity just because I´m afraid of anorexia ^^
Have a great day!
Love, Betty

Unknown said...

Looks delicious!!

I like backing brownies every now and then. This one looks so good. Gave us the recipe when you bake it ;)

Have a great day!

Philippa said...

That looks absolutely yummy and perfect for the spring weather! :)

eskoplja said...

Looks soooo tasty! I could eat some cake now. I hope you found everything you need for it. Post the picture when it's finished :)
Big hugs to you
Enjoy your evening

Ena :*

Unknown said...

well hope you have a fun time baking, just make sure your kids dont eat it x , anyway i would just like some advice on somthing next week i am doing a solo in music and my music teacher asked if i was in the chior and would i be intreasted but i feel abit forced into to joining the chior so i would just like your opinion of what do you think i should do

July said...

Hey Anette!

That cake looks delicious, now I also want a cake =) I hope you can get a time for bake it!

Have very nice nice evening with all your family!