Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lovely day and evening;=)

Good evening my dear ones;=)

Hope your wednesday, and as we call it here in Sweden "little saturday" has been just lovely as mine has;=)

My check up at my midwife went really well and all values and measurements are perfect;=) My little one insides heart rate was 134 beats/minute so keeping the same pace. My sugar and iron values are perfect, blood pressure low and steady, weight good and my belly is growing accoring to the plan;=) Today it measured 29 cm and is lying exactly on the curve;=) So all well and my dear midwife gave me thumbs up at everything. Nice!

In the afternoon me, Johan and Nemo went out for a nice walk and while we were walking I took some photos for you (of course;=). So time for a little Helsingborg city walk:

Here´s a view from "above" the city. We climb all the stairs (puih) and then we can stand and watch down over the city center and the beautiful ocean and far away lies Denmark:=)

And the clock tower in the back is our City Hall:

The boat you see in the back is one of the ferries that goes between Helsingborg and Helsingör. It takes 20 minutes with the ferry over to Denmark

And the sky today was just awesome!

Here´s the trail we walked and where I run when I am not pregnant;=)

When we walk down again towards the city, you can see our big "Kärnan" from the side:

And here´s the sunset seen from in between the houses in the downhill we walk in to get down again:

Then when we come down to the city center where we find the stairs that are going up to Kärnan and they look like this:

Here in the stairs Lucia is celebrated and other events happen all year. There´s an elevator underneath to the left if you can´t walk up there too;=)

And when I turn 180 degress this is the view. Our big square where you can get down to the walking street and also to the ferries, train station and so on:

And there are several hotels lying here, like Hotel Mollberg and Grand hotel. Nice hotels and in the very center of everything=)

After this nice photo walk I went down to Lagmarks, a tapas bar, to meet my two dear girlfriends;=) We ate tapas and some soda´s and talked about everything for some hours. Nice to have a girlie date and extra nice when coming home again to put Nemo to bed and kiss him good-night;=) 

Here´s my outfit and make up for those interested;=)

Today I used an old MAC eyeshadow and I have a red eye shadow on the inner eye lid, then the purple one from the middle and out. Pinkish lip gloss from Make up store

My clothes were in the brown shade today with brown jeans from Sexy woman, grey top underneath from Cos and brown wool cardigan from Hunky Dory.

Necklace and feather ear rings from Pieces

And here you can see the "bellybelt" I use to expand the waist so my normal pants fit also during pregnancy. A great invention;=)

Did my easy hair-do which is to just take forehead hair and twist and then fasten up on the scalp with two hair clips.

And today I am using my dear skull bag;=)

That was my lovely wednesday and now I am soon ready for bed and I wish you all a really nice and peaceful night without nightmares;=)


XxBriannaxX said...

Glad to.hear your day was so good. The pictures you took of the town is beautiful. I love your country. And you look gorgeous. I have a question,did the angel tattoo on your arm hurt too bad? Im getting a tattoo in the same spot and im a little nervous since it is my first tattoo. ;-) sleep well!

Anette Olzon Brasil said...

hello my dear. I'm glad to know that all is well with you and your baby =)
these photos are very beautiful.
well, I need to visit your town one day haha
Today I did not leave the house because it rained during the day. I love it.
hey, I want to ask you something.
I saw some videos that some fans take to the stage, and kiss your face.
Ever wanted to ask you what you think about it. haha
So, I can recommend a song to hear when you wake up tomorrow. It is a very good Brazilian music. I hope you enjoy.

Good evening to you and your family. See you tomorrow ♥


Dark Queen said...

Good evening Anette :)
Glad to read that you and the baby are ok.
Sometimes is really nice to spent some hours with friends. I can understand you.
It seem that you did a loooong walk.
Today you did a kinda "rainbow" make up. Really nice. I like a lot your jeans.
Even today I did a long walk with my mum and sister. I bought a sweater for my friend and then we bought a fabric, because we have to make carnival costums. My sister chose 2 shades of brown. She will have a teddy costum. I chose the gray one. I'll do a mouse. hehehe :) So, in the coming days we have many things to do :D
Good night, dear!
Have a peaceful night you too and have sweet dreams!
Kisses and hugs ♥

Dermot-James said...

Lovely pictures! Helsingborg looks amazing :) and so handy that you can get a ferry to a whole other country in 20 mins!
Here in Ireland the ferry to the UK takes 3 hrs :/ 1.5 hrs in good weather which is really rare :(
And so pleased that your pregnancy is going to plan! this little baby will have the best life :)
Keep Well!

Dalma said...

Thank you so much! I longed for photos like these. I just enjoy watching them. Lovely Sweden. =) Thank you again!

And I know that hiss means elevator. =) I promise I'll freshen up my Swedish when exam period is over and then I'll try to write to you in Swedish again.

By the way, I've started to watch the Danish-Swedish series Bron and I love it. The female main character is just totally me. In every sense. :D It's a pity there are only 10 episodes. But fortunately they have been dubbed so I can watch it in my language. Then I understand what is happening and I can watch it in Swedish, too. =) Do you know this series?

Love you,

Katy Marie said...

Why do they call Wednesday "little Saturday?" Do you usually get Wednesdays off in Sweden? That sounds nice :)

Unknown said...

Hi Anette;)
I'm in Mexico now so I haven't read your blog for week.
This new layot or whatever it is, is really nice:)
I hope you had wonderfull day;)

Unknown said...

That's great news about you and the baby! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
I found myself going "oh wow" at the photos you took of Helsingborg. They're really great and I love your outfit and makeup, too!

Good night and have a nice day! X

Carol Misokane said...

Hello Nettie.
Great to know that everything is okay with you and the baby, the doctor must be very pround of you =) and me too, of course.
Oh God, how Sweden is beautiful. Sure I always knew its beauty but is different to see it through the lens of a swedish one, thank you for sharing. I'm pretty sure I have to go there before I die and the most great thing is that Denmark is so close to, so everytime you feel boring you can go there and have a travel time =)..hope next time I'd born there haha.
Your make is so beautiful, pink is a very calm color and combines with the color of your skin and your piercings are so great, made me miss mine =(. I liked the pants, so interesting, I think they should make it here in Brazil too, but the women here just go so fat during the pregnancy, so maybe it's kinda impossible hahaha. Aah your bag, so cute, I love skulls =D.

And so, may your night be as wonderful as your day was you wake up full of energy.

Love, Carol

~MidnightFairy~ said...

Beautiful pictures, Anette! Looks like a lovely place to live..


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your baby! So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everything is going well Anette! :-) Very good! :-)

Still enjoying your camera too I see :-)

I really liked your picture of Hotel Mollberg :-) I must say it's a very good building to look at :-) I think what I'm trying to say is that it's a very impressive piece of architecture. Such a good looking / attractive building. Looks slighty gothic as well perhaps.

If you're out and about with your camera Anette, and please don't feel you're under any obligation to do this, please could you take some more pics of Hotel Mollberg :-) Perhaps you could get a good pic of it in the rain during early evening or something :-)

I wish you also a really nice and peaceful night without nightmares :-) Sleep well Anette! :-)

Beto said...

why little saturday?

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures! I have always wanted to go to Sweden, but your pictures made me want to go more!

And I have never seen you eyes so close, the color is amazing!

Sleep well!!

Karin said...

Thank you for the sightseeing, Anette! You live in such a beautiful town. I think I have to read a little bit about Helsinborg, and its history :) The older buildings look interesting! And those photos of the city were just amazing ! Nice colours!
And you: you look great! I somehow admire that you are not afraid to use colours on your make-up. I am so stuck with black, grey, silver, brown.... Maybe I should go for it , and try some new shades? :) As I said before... : you are a great inspiration !
Glad everything is ok with you and the little one. Not many weeks left!
Take care!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful place, Anette! Very lovely indeed!

Moving on for to wish you congratulations pregnancy (I was very happy when he learned) and more surprises awaiting his career .. xoxo

linnea-maria said...

Åh vilka fina bilder över stan. Helsingborg är en väldigt vacker stad tycker jag :) fantastiska byggnader.

Océane said...

Oh I love the second to last photo! =)
And Im glad to read you had a good day and good times with your friends. Do you see them often?
And will the baby have a godmother/father? :)

And awesome photos of your city! But I already told you that in Insta =)

Love & Hugs

Unknown said...

Océane: Hi there! I don´t see my friends so often but we text and so on as much as possible and when we all have time we get together;=) i have kids and they don´t so a bit different lives at the moment. Enjoy the day!

Linnea: Hej och tack! Ja, det är en underbar stad;=) H a det gott!

Helmutt; Hi and thanks so much;=) Enjoy this day!

Karin; Hi and thanks;=) I will take more photos of the city and when spring comes and the baby is out we´ll take longer strolls,=) And about the make up I have always been a bit crazy with colours and think its fun;=) Enjoy the day!

Daniela; Hi and thanks;=) yeah, you should visit Sweden, it´s a beautiful country;=) Enjoy the day!

Beto: Hi! Little saturday means that we can go out and party in the middle of the week;=)

Unknown said...

Tom: thanks;=) i´ll take more photos of Mollberg and other buildings when I am out and about this year;=) Enjoy the day!

Jennifer; Thanks so much, my dear;=) I long to see the little one who kicks inside;=) Enjoy the day!

Midnight Fairy: Hi and thanks, it is;=) Enjoy the day!

Carol; Hi and thanks;=) yeah, Sweden is beautiful and for us, the closeness to Denmark is great! Copenhagen takes 1 hour to go to so super close! Enjoy the day now!

Amelia; Hi and thanks so much;=) Yeah, I got some nice sites yesterday, it´s so nice when the photos turn out well;=) Enjoy the day!

Enni: hi! Are you on a holiday there? nice! And thanks;=) Enjoy the day now!

Aikaterine: Hi! No, we still work wednesdays but it´s called that due to it being a party day in the middle of the week;=) Enjoy the day!

Dalma; Hi;=) I haven´t seen Bron, but I know it´s aired in TV here too;=) Enjoy the day!

Dermot; Hi and thanks;=) yeah, it´s just a treat to be so close by to another country and it makes many Danish and Swedes choose to work in the other country. So a good thing;=) Enjoy the day!

DarkQueen: Hi there! Cool with the costumes, they sound perfect;=) Enjoy the day!

Mathews;: Hi and thanks;=) I dont know what you mean by take to the stage and kiss my face? You mean they have been up on stage kissing me? Cause I dont remember that;=) haha! But well, I prefer if people ask first before kissing me;=) Enjoy the day!

Trina: Thanks and the same to you;=)

Brianna; Hi and thanks;=) Nope, didn´t hurt at all on me;=) Hope it wont on you either, but pain is such an individual thing so hard to promise anything. Enjoy the day!

Unknown said...

You should have your own brand, must I say.

SM said...

Hey I love your jeans. It's very sexy.

Unknown said...

thanks for nice photos, Anette! your town is really beaytiful!

Anette Olzon Brasil said...

Hi and thanks for answering my question.
I saw a video where a fan took the stage. You were singing Wish i had an angel and he kissed and hugged you. It was in Manaus(Brazil) in 2008
and I also saw a video on the Imaginaerum tour when a fan climbed on stage, but security guards pulled him out. Very crazy hahahaha