Thursday, March 09, 2017

Babies and stuff

Hey sweeties and happy Thursday!

Last sunday I went to the studio and recorded some harmonies for two songs and this weekend that work continues. We are closing in on getting the vocals done but still one or two songs with lead vocals need to be done and also harmonies. But at least we are soon done and also planning for video/videos are in the making=)

Other than that I am studying hard, working at the maternity ward in the hospital and it takes lots of energy so I feel I lack the power to workout as hard this week. But that´s life and sometimes we need to focus on work and such and if I work out 4 days instead of 6 doesn´t matter for some weeks. The results can even be better sometimes since the body also need to build up and recover after hard exercise. And mentally it´s important too=)

Yesterday we had SNOW again but luckily it didn´t stay and today spring degrees are here again, hopefully to stay!

Enjoy this day and I´m working evening shift so I have some time to do some studying before and also drink lots of coffee=)

Love and light,

1 comment:

Elvenpath said...

Anette! Glad you're in the studio! :D I'm dying of curiosity for this album!! And I wish you the best in your studies and at the hospital!! :)
Btw, happy (belated) woman's day to one of the most talented, beautiful and sweetest woman ever!! :* (sorry for possible mistakes in the writing XD)