Saturday, June 28, 2014

Among jumping frogs and jumping boys and girls=)

While we watched the dark clouds pass away, we packed up and went to the forest they call BRUCE.  Found the lovely spot where they have set up small wooden "houses" to protect us from wind and rain and give shelter.

Some blankets to sit on and we´re ready for an afternoon with sausages and forest fun!

While Johan, our grill master, started up the fire on our small Piccolino grill, me and the kids enjoyed the wind shelter. 

Nemo playing with the small frogs to the FROG GAME I had gotten them the same day to play with. Mio playing with some cars in different colors and me just relaxing watching the boys play=)

All the fun you can have with just a fallen tree branch:

Sit on it
Climb on it
Chew on it
Hammer with another tree branch on it, as a drum
Imagine it´s a boat or a plane or a car or anything

After our yummie turkey sausage dinner with lots of mustard and ketchup, it was time for more fun! 

Johan and Nemo fighting with tree branches pretending they were swords and they were some cool dangerous pirates on board a big pirate ship. Nemo being Captain Hook of course!

Then a wild chase around in the forest throwing little pinecones on each other. 

Continuing to have a battle who could run from one big stone to the other first. Well, Johan won every single time…arrggh!

All of us playing the FROG GAME where me and Johan both got the horns on our heads, wanting to beat the other one0, as usual=) Who said come second counts?? haha!

After a long nice time in this lovely forest, we headed home, all tired but happy and knowing that next week Johan goes back to his job, Nemo to pre-school some days and me - preparing for our gig at Toranda next weekend=)

But STILL two more days to enjoy the vacation=)

Friday, June 27, 2014

My gym - LOVE;=)

I LOVE my gym!!! 

I LOVE to do cross fit!!! 

And I LOVE to be in shape again=)

Yeah, sorry, but today I need to blog about my LOVE for cross fit and my gym - FNF4LIFE!

Today I had a super good morning crossfit WOD together with strong and lovely people at FNF4LIFE.

 My dear gym where I started in november last year. I am SO happy that I dared to spread my wings and try a new place and a new thing and go up there that evening in november. Since then I have not only gotten in a great shape but also gotten to know wonderful people and nowadays Johan and me both long to the gym and almost FIGHT for the exercising days=) 

Today I were at the gym at 8 in the morning and we had a great WOD with Tobbe, focusing on strength and among pistols and dips and so on, we did a LOT of Manmakers. If you don´t know this exercise, I can tell you that it´s a HARD but great one! We did 50 each which actually means we did 100 push ups each today! yeah, hello super arms=)

I feel so happy that I can use my body in all the different ways we do in crossfit and to feel the improvement I make every single week! Amazing and if you like to work out hard and use your body fully, try cross fit! Maybe you´ll get as HOOKED as I am=)

Love and hugs!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

More summer sales in my vintage store!

I´ve added some more RED PRICES in my vintage store so go check it out! 

Look through all the clothes and the ones that are marked SUMMER SALE PRICES  in red has the new price on them.

Happy Shopping!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

As the early morning sunshine slipped ...

….through the house roofs this morning I shocked my body and went to the gym already at 7.30 for a nice cross fit WOD=) Since Johan has vacation this week I took the opportunity to try out the morning session and it was a great one!

As you know I LOVE leo prints and use it on almost any kind of clothes:

- when I exercise to make me faster, stronger, happier, cooler and just more rooooarrrry=)

Like this morning during the hard exercise=)

We did frog jumps, lunges with weight plate, GHD wall balls, dumbbell snatches and rowing. 

Rowing - the exercise that is SO good for my body but SO hard and sometimes a struggle, especially like today when you have to do 1500 m AFTER a LONG wod for 34 minutes and your body is just a already so tired. 

BUT I always do it and that´s when my LION inside needs to come out and show herself so I can do it!=)

Like below: READY to ROW!!

And here we go!

Yeah, sweaty and the concentrated look and the tongue out=)

Long strikes!

Tjohoo - I made it=) always happy when I´m done!

And then I, of course went home, took a nice shower and put on LEO print again - this time as a dress that I got many years ago and have had in my storage. It´s so good to have a storage where I have my clothes and put them away for some time and then when I go there after 1 year or so, I find them as they would be new again! Can it be better?=) No need for shopping then! haha!

This dress if from Topshop and has little fringes in the front that make it so cute=)

Seth wanted to join me to the post office and of course I said; -if you take some outfit photos of me on the way and said and done - here I am today with my leo dress and last summers jeans jacket from Diesel and another storage find - black ballerina shoes from Scorett and Ray Bans.

On our way home we went in to ƅhlĆ©ns to look at a lamp I saw in their window and now I want the bronze colored lamp below and the white/tree colored stool in the other photo. Do u also like them?=)

So lovely summery colors everywhere - turquoise and red are a great combo I think!

And then my little LEO dress and me went home to get greeted by the cutest little person in the world and I had to take a photo of us of course=)

Now it´s evening and then I´ll soon put on my LEO pajamas, of course=)

Oh, did I tell you I just LOVE leo prints??=)=)=)=)

Lots of love and hugs!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Among flowers and skulls...

….. I walked this morning, looking around for lovely interior inspiration in one of our lovely stores here in Helsingborg called BOSSON. 

Romantic mixed with cool skulls made my senses filled with joy and warmth and fussiness inside…

It made me feel lust to put on some summery green jungle pants so I got and bought myself these Limited edition pants from Gina Tricot and my dear Nemo said when I put them on: Wow, mum, I love  them! =) So a good choice when my dear 4-year old also loves them!

The wind tossed my hair around, made it almost impossible to show the pants in a cool way but I think my dear Johan, who is a forced-on camera guy, nailed it quite good=)

With cool jungle pants on I took my boys with me to the cool forest in our lovely big castle park SOFIERO where they have made a new part of the park for all children. A fantastic dragons castle where you can climb, take a ride in the two different slides, play a game and much more…

Taste and smell all the different plants they have there such as berries, dill, parsley and so on…

And when you feel tired of climbing outside you can walk in to the lovely "hans and gretel" cabin where you can dress yourself up as a prince or princess…read a story book…or just take a little nap…

After such a lovely play date it´s nice to sit down in the car and hold on to our dear "Knight", to keep us safe and sound in to the dreamy lands that the boys are heading to right now…zzzzz…. new adventures awaits us tomorrow!!