Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Summer girl

Hi all!

I hope you enjoy summer and what´s left of it;=) For me, I am just enjoying it and awaiting the autumn where I will have lots to d, so I am still in vacation mode mostly.

On saturday we have the baptising ceremony and that takes some time this week but I hope you all will have a wonderful week and if you still have some holiday left - enjoy!!

 HUGS to you all!


  1. Best wishes for baptism!
    And a big hug to you, Anette ... exists in the world a woman more beautiful than you?

  2. Hi Anette! :-)

    Or Summer Girl! :-) Though to me you'll always be Storytime girl!

    I've no idea how intense the heat is in Helsingborg but I'm glad to say that's it's finally becoming cooler ( though not in a fab and groovy way :-D ) in my little part of the world here in the UK :-) Though the sun is always welcome and better without the intense heat :-)

    Speaking of being in vacation mode you must be off to Greece soon if I remember correctly :-)

    Well Anette, I wish you all the best for the baptising ceremony on Saturday :-) I'm sure it'll go well! :-) As for me I'm off to bed now as I'm on nights again! :-)

    Hugs to you too Anette, Storytime girl and my favourite lady Viking! :-) Night night! :-)

  3. Hi dear Nettie :)
    Glad to hear you are spending a great holiday. Best wishes for the baptising and for the plans for autumn.
    Is that a mask earring you are wearing? Looks very nice.
    Big hugs to you

    Ena :*

  4. Hello Anette,
    I hope that everything goes well for you here in Sweden.
    In France it is very warm, again one week work and it will be the holidays!!
    I wished you a wonderful day for the baptism of the childrens.
    See you soon with other comments.


  5. Hei Anette !!
    Have a wonderdull week for you too !!
    and a nice Baptising ceremonie !!
    You're wonderfull !!
    Have a wonderfull day :*
    With Love

  6. Anette ... the christening of my children, I felt great joy and peace in the heart. The church of my town is huge and filled d beautiful images, painted by a local artist and priests do a ceremony where the whole family participates. Kisses! * Baptized closing the summer with a flourish!

  7. Hi Nettie,
    I hope summer will stay for some more weeks. Here in Germany it's incredibly hot - I LOVE it!! :-)
    Hope what you have to do in autumn has to do with your solo album...?
    Well if there is so much to do for you in autumn you really should enjoy your vacation now. As we all know time flies and soon enough the sunny holidays will be over.
    I will enjoy a few days of rest too after I was ill the last 3 days.
    I wish you and your boys all the best for the baptising ceremony. You must be so proud of your sweet little ones. :-)

    Kisses and hugs,
    Steffi <3

  8. You look fabulous!I swear your eyes have something heavenly about them.I am thrilled and excited to know you'll be busy this autumn!It's nice to know you're resting,now,though.
    The best of wishes for the baptism of the boys!
    Have a nice day,

  9. A big hug to you, Anette! I wish you a wonderful weekend, baptising ceremony included =) please post some photos of it on your instagram then (if you can, if you think it's too private, we understand...so don't worry!!)

    Kyssar!!!!! :****

  10. Dear Anette,

    how are you?
    This picture of you is so lovely^.^ You look really pretty :))

    Recently, I had not enough time to comment always to your posts, but I try to be more active ^^

    I wish only the best for your boys and the baptizing ceremony!

    Best wishes,

  11. Did I tell you that I love your new hair colour? You look so beautiful and happy!
    Reminds me that I have to dye my hair again before gong to the M´era Luna... But I don´t feel like it. It takes so much time :D
    Now turning off my PC since a thunderstorm is coming up and I don´t want my documents damaged ^^

  12. hi dear anette,

    how are you? i`m here in portugal on holidays and send you many hugs from here. i would like to know if you get my e-mail which i sent to you ca. one month ago? i wish you a wonderful evening and all the best for the baptising ceremony. enjoy it. big hugs :)

  13. Hi :)
    I wish you a good summer, ehm, half-summer :D I've noticed that one of your eyebrow piercings is still a plastic one. If you don't mind the question, does it have a specific reason, or you're just lazy to change it?
    Hugs, Alice

  14. Ola! Sinto muito sua falta na sua antiga banda. E para matar a saudade, visito seu blog. Desejo muita felicidade e sucesso pra você e muitas alegrias em família Anette. Sua voz é muito linda e sua alegria é inigualável.
