Thursday, August 01, 2013

Baptising planning

Hi all,

I hope you have a wonderful summer so far;=) Here in Sweden it´s been an amazing summer the last 2 weeks now and well, it looks as it will continue! Even if I love autumn too it´s good to get that sunshine on us so we Northeners can cope with the darkess in the winter time;=)

In a week we´re going to have baptising ceremony for both Nemo and Mio and today the priest came to talk to us about which psalms to sing and so on and it will be some nice songs to sing. Nemo wasn´t baptised when he was a baby due to lack of time due to our travellings and so on. It was a bit more stressful at that time than now so that´s why we take both boys at the same time.

Tomorrow Johan and Pain are going up north to play two festivals here in Sweden. Tomorrow is a gig in Ludvika and on saturday all the way up in Sorsele. Long journey for them but also fun that Johan joins the boys for these festivals;=)
If you are in the neighborhood, go see them! 

Now time to sleep but enjoy the weekend everyone!


  1. Oh how i'd love to see them on stage again! :( i really miss their shows!!
    Yesterday Hypocrisy announced a show here in south of france (1h30 from my home) and even I never listen to Hypo I cant wait to see Peter again! And i have to listen to them :)

    Will you sing at the baptem?

    Lots of love and hugs

  2. Hi dear.
    I enjoy the fact you will be going to baptising the boys, it's very important. In my religion we don't have all the ceremony, but I also think it's very important for every child to be baptised, because I believe this way they will discover God too early and will have Him and the angels every single day.

    Give Johan my best wishes for the festivals. Being in home is great but being at the stage rocking on is great too =).

    Have a sweet sleep.

    Love, Carol

  3. Hello Anette,

    Ihave a amazing Day:D!
    I have a job now and at the same Day of Nemos B-day I passed my driving test.:D
    By the Way all the Best for your little Nemo;)

    And all gut wishes for Mio´s and Nemo´s Baptising.


  4. That is Awesome that you and your family consider your religion to be an important part of your life.

  5. Have a great Friday Annette. Hope the Sun shines and the birds sing sweetly for you and your family. My Wife and I are going to try to wake up early tomorrow (our Friday - Time zones are so confusing ... LOL) to see some sunshine as well. God Bless and take care

  6. Hello Anette, i hope that everything goes well for you.
    I find great to make baptize both brothers together, you go to make a fete beautiful of family !!
    Lots of good things to you all.

    Emmanuel (France)

  7. Anette ... baptism is the "planting the seed of good," that after all the family needs to care for the "little plant" grow, give flowers, fruits and good shade. Good luck to this couple and many musical accomplishments. Kisses and hugs!

  8. Baptism is so unfair for children - why don't let them decide what they want to believe instead of imposition? Anyway they are too small to understand this.

  9. Congratulations Anette and to your sons as well. I hope that God blesses and guides them all through their lives. <3

  10. Congratulations to you and your sons, Anette. I hope that God blesses and guides them all through their lives. <3

  11. Hi Anette!

    I´m back :).

    I hope you are alright. I am anyways but it´s so incredibly hot here in bavaria, I don´t like that.

    When is your vacation to greece? You said it´s in August, please tell us when exactly ok?

    Now have a nice day and take always good care of yourself please :).


  12. Congratulations to Nemo, Mio and the parents for such an important occasion in their lives. =) God bless you all!

  13. Hello, Anette! ♥
    I really like you, from your blog, and your voice! It's amazing, how can you modulate this! :d
    I like Sweden too - my big dream is to visit Scandinavia. ♥ But it's a hard dream too. :<
    Anyway, is there any possibility to get your autograph? .////. I can say I was bred on your voice, when I was 8 my dad showed me songs with you. : D
    Forgive me all mistakes, please! D:

  14. Hi Anette, it's so beautiful that they're going to be baptised together, I wish them the best!! And good luck to Johan and Pain for the festivals =)

    Here in southern Italy the weather continues to be too hot, we've had a respite during the last days but the high temperatures are back again starting from yesterday, and it will be about 40 degrees until wednesday O_O the sea temperature will be four degrees more than the usual...will we survive..?? I think it's too much pollution that causes this irregular weather...I can recall the beautiful summertime in Sweden, it was August when I went to Stockolm four years ago...unforgettable experience...

    I send a big big embrace to you and to your family, to the baptising children above all now!!

    Have a nice day, kisses
    Alessandra ;)
