Wednesday, January 02, 2013

If it was spring today...

....I would love to have these wonderful spring clothes on when going to Amal for my hair cut;=)

Everything is from

Pink bag from Mulberry, sunglasses from Miu Miu, ballerina shoes Chloé, bracelet Mulberry, silver jeans Current/Elliott and top from Velvet


  1. Hi dear Anette, how are you? Nice clottes and accesories. This glasses is beautiful... :)
    You will cut your hair? Nice, you will dye your hair? I'm still creating corage in dye mine of Ginger/red, I dont know if you remember. But I'm closer :)

    Wish you a really nice day, take care :)

  2. Hi Anette!

    Hur mår du?

    Hair cut? Sounds interesting. I hope there will be photos :). Anyway, have a nice day. And thank you for your answer by the way :).

    I read that you d´ like to watch The Hobbit. I´ve already watched it and well, it´s not as good as Lord of The Rings and sometimes very different than the book but it´s recommendable. You should watch it, I think :).

    Please take always good care of yourself :).


  3. Hi Anette, it´s me again :)

    There´s something I d´ like to ask you, but that´s no critic or so, I d´just like to know your opinion :)

    I love animals and you say often that you love them, too. And I really believe you, but I´m interested in how can you, for yourself, unite loving animals and wearing a real fur vest? I just found that out at the moment because of an older blog post and it doesn´t change my opinion of you of course but it shocked me a bit, because apart from that you always pronounce fake fur when you wear fur and so I thought you wear only fake one. I mean, don´t you know that animals are killed cruel because of fur clothing? I mean, me too I eat meat and animals have to die because of that but I think that´s another issue because we need food. But fur clothing is something we simply DON´T need. When you love animals, and I know you do that, why do you support this killing and suffering then? An answer would be really great because I´d really like to know your opinion :).

    Once again, please take good care of yourself and have a nice day.


  4. Cool:) R u getting your hair cut today?

  5. Wow that's totally spring colors and mood! I love everything (specially the bag <3) but I woulnd't dare to wear the sunglasses! ;)

    Love & Hugs

  6. Hey Anette!

    Those clothes are very nice, and for spring time it's perfect.

    Today in Mexico City, the weather is cool and maybe in the evening will rain :(

  7. you are one stylish mama ;0

  8. My dear, whule I'm fixing my songs on my Iphone I'm listening to some music and I put one album of Olly Murs.
    And I thought I should share one of his best song with you.

    There you go :

    If you're in a bad moon Im sure it can cheer you up in a sec!And I imagine Nemo dancing on it, its quite funny in my head! Ahah!

    Actually I love the whole album! I don't know if you ever heard of him but he is english and participated to Xfactor there. I knew hil when I was living in UK! =)
    Hope you enjoyed the song and in case you want more I suggest :

    Tell me if you liked ot or not =)

    Love & Hugs

  9. Hello Anette
    will also dye your hair?
    if yes, what is the color?
    have a great day =)
    Jag älskar dig ( I still do not know to pronounce it ) hahahaha

  10. Hey dear Anette,
    Hi Annette,
    I love this spring outfit. I love to wear very comfortable shoes.
    Great Jean! I am looking for a long time to find a bright Jean. Well apparently there is this spring bright colors in fashion.
    Now I wish you a beautiful evening.
    big hugs Kylie

  11. Hey, Anette I was wondering since you talk and post pictures of your outfits, do you think somewhere down the line, you would like to have your own fashion line? Or make up line? Just curious :)
