Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Haircut and cream

Good evening all;=)

So, my hair is fresh and with a new hair cut by Amal today=) Cut the ends so no big difference but it´s needed to cut the hair every 3rd month to get it to look shiny and nice.

And then my outfit:

When it´s winter and cold it´s a good idea to put a long sleeved top underneath a short top to avoid being cold;=)

Beautiful weather outside today with a lovely blue sky and sun!

Got myself this facial mask that I am gonna put on tonight and sleep with. From SENSAI. Then a new fresh Essie nail polish in a spring color

A nice fashion magazine to get inspiration for spring/summer Fashion=)

And then I got this wonderful nice card in the mail today and I want to say THANKS to dear "Belle" for sending me this lovely and kind card=) 

Now time to put the little one to bed and then at 9 me, Seth and Johan are hitting the couch for a movie with Nicholas Cage - Next. So sleep well now and I hope you all have had a wonderful day!!


  1. wow!!! so sexi! and beautiful !! have a nice day dear nettan!

  2. How is that behind you in the 3rd picture? haha , Johan? It's nice to see you fresh! :=) Hugs from Finland, and of course from me!!

  3. Hi Anette!

    You look really great, as always :). I don´t know how this film is, I only know it by name, but I wish you much fun with your family and a nice evening :).

    Take always good care of yourself please and sleep well later :).


  4. Really nice! You look great!

  5. Evening Anette,

    Yes you Hair look better now. That reminds me, I would also once again falls to the hairdresser.

    A face mask for the night? Sounds interesting.

    Fashion magazines are not really my thing, the dress on the cover does not testify of idea. I find that there are more simple in style and elegance. The dress is to lay me.

    If one has studied the history of fashion. One can do with such little magazines.;)
    Postet you then your favorite style for spring?

    Have a good night,


  6. Hi Anette
    You look beautiful as always and your hair really looks good :) the blue sky there looks beautiful, here everything is grey, sadly.
    Now I celebrate the 200th page view on my blog ( --take a look if you want :) ) so I had a good day :)
    -kisses and hugs from Hungary

  7. I really love your hair Nettie! You are just so beautiful,and I REALLY love that shirt. ;-) sleep well and enjoy your movie hun.
    Love and hugs.

  8. Hii Anette,

    First of all I wish you a Happy New Year!Since I have my iPhone I'm addicted to it and don't work on my computer anymore. To celebrate New Year's eve I went back to the cabin in the woods and it was great to sit in the sofa with all the candles! But I felt really sick so I couldn't celebrate New Year...

    Really like your hair ;-)

    Enjoy your evening!

  9. hi dear !
    I like your hair really nice ;-)
    and your outfit too ;-)

    sleep well and good night have a sweat dreams !


  10. I've had a wonderful day today thanks Anette :-) I've realized that I've worked for almost 2 weeks with only 1 day off in between. And it's for that reason that it's felt nice today :-) When you've worked for a certain length of time you only then properly realize how nice a day off feels :-) Even if it's only 1 day.

    Enjoy your movie :-)

  11. Your hair looks pretty:) U should grow it out.

  12. I think it is so great you have spring in mind ! The nail-polish, magazine, clothes, colours.... But that is true: we get that feeling when Christmas and NewYear is over, and the days are getting longer ! A good feeling :)
    Maybe I should do something new to myself.... ? :) You are so inspiring!
    .....And, your hair looks nice!

  13. Your hair looks really great =) (your shirt is cool too).


  14. Hi Anette, you would not want to take part in one of the musical projects?

  15. Hi Anette, you would not want to take part in one of the musical projects?

  16. Hi Anette, you would not want to take part in one of the musical projects?

  17. hi Nettan!!!

    you are so beautifull!!!

    Kisses Raffaella Brazil

  18. Hi Anette :)
    You look very pretty and very very young and fresh ;) I wish you happy New Year, in health and love :)
    Tomorow I have very stressed day (driving test) and I start to be scared ;)But I have hope every will be good :)
    Hugs and kisses for u and yours dears, good night :*

  19. Nice hair cut! Do you think about being blond again? The blond color you had when you were pregnant for example.

    I love the blue eyeshadow. Actually I really love blue make up as i also have blue eyes. It suit us well I think :) maybe I should post a photo of my blue make up?!

    And after Nemo the ghost, Johan the ghost!!! Since a long time I thought it would be nice to see a photo of you both :)

    Sleep well darling! And show is the result tomorrow morning after you remove the mask!

    Love and Hugs

  20. Hi anette, how are you?
    ooh new look i like your haircut,
    you look really beautiful :)

    Have a nice day, hugs
    take care

  21. I had a breakdown:(
    I didn't cut for 9/10 days but I did cut for 3 days now(So I feel verry depressive now) But yeah that is life. Tomorrow I go to a therapistthingy so I hate myself even more. I don't want to go in a clinick so yeah.

    I like your hair!
    It is realy awsome! I wish I had hair like you! Mine is just all poofy and strange:p

    Friend is coming now!

  22. That pretty blouse is perfect you!

  23. Hej my dear!
    Was it a good night?

    This morning I did a hairdo and put some make up so and I wanted to share it with you! It a very "summer make up" but hey I won't put dark make up all winter long! =)

    So there you go:
    Without eyeliner, blue eye pencil from kiko, green and purple eyeshadow from kiko too (
    I used mostly green today and put a little bit of purple, I also put a bit of pearly white in the corner of the eye.

    Here with black eyeliner :

    Closed eyes :

    Of course I'm wearing my dear mascara from Benefit "They're real" - a must have!

    And my hair do, a bow!

    and I wanted to make it "crazier" so :

    Puh, what a post! Please tell me if you like it =)

    Love & Hugs

  24. Hi Anette,
    it's been a long time I did not post so I'll tell you right here!
    First of all I wish you a Happy New Year to you and your family, I hope all your wishes come realize: D
    All your photos are beautiful. I love your dress for the new year, could you tell me who she is please?
    The video you post Nemo playing the piano are lovely! It is really cute, you can be there to find his future vocation lol!
    I wish you a excelente day to you.
    With Love
    Kisses <3

  25. Oh God. Sorry, I meant in my comment "Who" not "How", I always do this :D My mess

  26. Whoa,your hair looks fabulous!I really like it.
    Hope you're having a great day,

  27. Oh, I hate to cut my hair, but like you said it's necessary for the hair to stay beautiful and luminous =).
    I liked your outfit, when we are in home nothing is better than to be comfortable and beautiful at the same time.
    I hope you have a great day.

    Love, Carol

  28. Damn, you look really great! :-D

  29. Nice! Your hair looks healthy and shiny. I like to wear layers, too.
    How was the mask? Did it work well?
    Have a great evening!

  30. @Sabine
    I am sure you have your reasons for doing this to yourself, but hey, there should be a way out! Accept help, trust in the professionals and most importantly, be kind and patient to yourself!
    Hope you find your way out very soon! Hugs, Beatrix

  31. Hi Anette!

    I hope you had a great day and enjoyed your evening and the film yesterday :).

    @ Sabine: That really doesn´t sound good. It´s a really pity that you couldn´t refuse to cut yourself when you did it already for more than a week :(. I can understand that you don´t want to go to a clinic, but maybe it´s a good way for you to come out of that mess. There are people who can help you professionally and you find others who suffer from the same as you do, contacs and talking to them can help you, too. Of course it´s never a good feeling to go to a clinic, but I think, if you can´t find another way you should try it. Afterwards everything can be better. You have the chance, so I think you should take it. I wish you many success and that you can get rid of that illness.

    Anette, have a nice rest-evening and please take always good care of yourself.


  32. Did you darken your hair, or is it just my imagination? :P

  33. Did you darken your hair or is it just my imagination? :P
    Anyway, it looks good :)

  34. Lovely <3 I have to ask though, what made you get rid of the black hair?

  35. Rhii; Hi and thanks=) Well, the biggest reason was that it just was a color I didn´t feel like "me" in. I was asked by Tuomas to dye my hair black in the audition process and it came to be a part of my NW identity. Then I went blond at some point and felt more like me again and then this May I was so sick and tired of having to dye my hair roots every 3rd week and it made my hair suffer in quality, so me and Amal (my hairdresser) decided to take it off as much as we could and then let my own hair color come out. Now my own hair color is the one from the roots and I love it. So now I will let my own color come out and then just do some highlights to make it look more alive;=) Sleep well!

    Nina; Hi! No, I only cut it. I guess its the camera I am using;=)

    Pascal: Hi and thanks! The same to you=)

    Beatrix; Hi and thanks;=) yeah, the mask was great and when I woke up I felt so much softer and nicer in the skin;=) I can recommend it!

    Matotu; Hi and thanks so much for your kind words;=)

    Carol; Hi and thanks;=) yeah, many who want longer hair do the bad thing of not cutting the hair and believing it will grow better and faster, but the quality of the hair (in most cases) are so bad after a while that they need to cut more off than if they would had cut 1 cm every 3rd month;=)

    Thedeadunicorn; Hi and thanks;=)

    Mél: hi and thanks;=) The dress is from a brand called HIGH.

  36. Wow...
    So cute and ur new hair cut and makeup are dazzling

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Hi Anette! You look REALLY pretty! you're a very beauty woman! I hope you're always this wonderful woman, brave, sensitive, and talented! We know, everyone has bad moments, but if we put a smile in our faces, everything will be easier! And you do it! Shine on us with your unbelievable sympathy and affection for your fans, that NEVER gonna leave you alone! You have to keep being this great person, this EXAMPLE for us, your fans! I want you to know WE LOVE YOU! we're alway be with you!
    ps: Great pic, the weather was REALLY wonderful! *-*
    Love, Martin

  40. Hei Anette,
    Thank you for you're answer !! have a good good day ;d

  41. Hei Anette,
    Thank for you're answers
    Have a good good day
