Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sick leave

Sorry for my absence but Mio has been really ill for some days with 40 degrees fever so thats what I´ve been focusing on these days. He´s better today though so really hope its on the way back now=)

Mio has always had problems sleeping and these 3 years he´s only been sleeping 3 nights the whole night through. Horrible for us and for him so now we´ve been to the doctor to check his ears, throat and nose since he can't breathe through his mouth and so on. And the doctor decided he needs a surgery very soon to take away the adenoid in the nose, his tonsils and place tubes in his ears. He said this usually make the children sleep all night but of course we can't now until its done.

I can say I am afraid of having my little one undergo surgery cause there´s always a risk with surgeries but at the same time it must be horrible for him to not be able to breathe properly and sleep as many hours as he need.

Will post more about this when its closing in on the date and so on.

Love and light,


  1. Poor little one... I keep my fingers crossed that all will go fast and well!
    I have been working on ENT department and it really is amazing how good patients can breathe after those surgeries you mentioned.
    All the best to Mio!
    Love, Betty

  2. Min Tim hade problem med ett öga som rann helatiden när han var liten.
    Så han genomgick operation i tårkanalen.
    Var hemskt när han sövdes ner...
    Men världens goaste stund när han vaknade :)

    Allt kommer att gå bra!

    How about you Anette? You said a long time ago about your sinus -problems, and an upcoming surgery. I've sometimes thought of it, and now decided to ask :)

  3. I wish your whole family the absolute best and hope he is better soon! xxx

  4. poor mio..... i hope the surgery will help him, as scary as it sounds.....
    hugs & love from the bottom of my heart <3

  5. Oh that sounds not good. I hope he will feel better after that. Hugs too you

  6. Awww, poor Mio. :( I hope you get better soon, little one.
    Everything will be alright, but I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway.
    Well, I'm awful with words so I'll send a bear hug to Mio. I hope it helps, haha.

  7. I hope he gets better! For what it's worth, I remember having to have surgery as a child, and my parents' support through that helped a lot. I will keep your family in my thoughts.

  8. I'm so sorry. I had to have surgery when I was young - little older than 3, but not that much - and having loving and supportive parents helped a lot. I'll keep you and Mio in my thoughts.

  9. Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. See the link below for more info.


  10. Oh no, I'm so sorry that Mio is not okay! Poor little one, not being able to sleep is horrible, especially for a little boy :( I hope he'll be better soon to get the surgery and that it will help! Then you can all breathe as this must weigh heavy on you and Johan. I hope everything will be all right soon! Lots of love xx

  11. I wish improvements in the health of Mio and good luck for all of you.
