Wednesday, March 18, 2015

And 4th week here in Finland...

…and i can't believe I'm still here since I counted with being out first week!

So that make me a bit torned and so on, since my children and Johan went home to sweden monday and its so extremely empty and lonely here=(

Luckily I have new friends in Krista and Waltteri who keep me company and make me feel happier and tonight I´m going to see Waltteri at the Opera house and its my very first time I see an opera so really fun!

Today I´ve been at home just sleeping a lot cause I am really worn out and then now in the afternoon been practicing this weeks country song and dancing and boy, its hard to both sing and dance! I´m impressed with for instance Beyoncé cause damn, the breathing and moving thing is HARD!!!

Love and light from Helsinki,


  1. I understand that torned feeling . But when you are 95 years old ( in your lilac hair, and that leopard dress...😉 ) you will remember this time here as a short , intensive and nice phase of your life ?😊
    You are really just warming up us Finns ... In one of those articles it read " meidän Anette" = our Anette.. I think that was quite sweet 💜

    Now some words in Swedish :
    Vet du Anette, jag beslöt förra veckan att nu är det tid att bli " mej själv" igen, så jag har tagit tillbaka mitt flicknamn. Länge funderat men nu kändes det att tiden var inne:) Så nu heter jag igen Karin Mattsson. Känns bra !
    För att på något att fira eller , bekräfta det, eller kanske bara för att tiden var inne , tog jag en ny tatuering . Har funderat så länge på det också, men nu är det fixat. Ville säga det till dej ; för jag har tatuerat in ordet "Shine" på min handled! :) Jep :)
    Tycker om det ordet, och tycker om vad det symboliserar, eller de känslor det kan ge. Det är ett bra och positivt ord :) ☀️ Så ,tack igen min vän 💗

  2. Hej söta Karin=) Åh vad jag blir glad när du skriver du tagit tillbaka ditt namn och tatuerat dig! Och ja, shine är ett perfekt namn! Kanske jag också måste tatuera in det någonstans…haha! Och ja, klart jag kommer se tillbaka på detta med glädje! Är bara så trött och då är man svag, men idag har jag ställt in allt, sovit 12 h, legat och kollat tv-serier och jag är säker på att imorgon är jag starkare igen=) Och om du vill komma på söndag har jag möjlighet skriva upp dig och dina vänner så let me know=) Kramen!!

  3. Hi Anette!

    I´m happy for you that you can stay so long. And I can imagine it´s hard to be without your family, but as I wrote last time, the more beautiful will it be to see them again and it´s great you have made new friendships which make it also easier.

    And opera is a nice experience. I have visited my first one this year in january, it was the opera „Nabucco“. It´s a bit difficult at the beginning when it´s the first time you see an opera, at least I expected it like that, but it´s really a fantastic thing so I hope that you will like your first opera too :).

    Have lots of fun and please take good care! Lots of love and light back to you :).

  4. Nå men hallåå älskade Anette ! Klart att jag vill komma !!!! Har deltagit i varenda tävling om biljetter, men inte vunnit nånting... :(
    Får jag ta mina barn med mej ? Tim 11 år och Jenny 13 år... Vi kommer såååå gärna , och hejar på dej, så vi har halsarna sjuka nästa dag 😄

  5. Hi Nettie.
    Aah, I'm so sorry that you're away from your boys in Finland, but I hope your friends are filling your heart with love and peace.
    About Tähdet Tähdet I don't know why you expected to be out in the first week, but I'm so happy and proud of you that you're still there and I'm with my fingers crossed for you to get to the Grand Finale =).

    Good luck and feel better.

    Love, Carol

  6. Hi Anette!
    Wish you all the best of luck and keep going, you are doing great (both in the show and your career, you are a wonderful artist) !!! <3
    Which opera did you see? Did you like it?

  7. Hi Anette!

    Just want to say that you did an amazing job with stormskärs Maja. I can't help, but think that the judges were too harsh. You were awesome and watching the other performers I have to say that you are the most talented. Of course Waltteri also amasing and emensly talented, but his opera technique is leaking through in songs where there should be none of that. I hope you will win!!!!!

    I know it is hard on you not being with your family, but I know they are so proud of you! We Swedes are so proud of you as well! Keep strong!!!!! Go get them Anette!!!!! :-D

    Many warm hugs!

  8. Anette ... sure, your family is sending all the good energy and luck q need to win the TV program and should be very proud of your wonderful talent. I'm hoping when q go home, be happy and fulfilled to have achieved more success you deserve! Kisses, do beautiful things and be happy, this reflects the people we love and make them even better.

  9. Hello Anette,
    it´s nice to see that you enjoy Helsinki. Last october i was there, too.
    Sorry but i can´t vote for, because i have not the Money for it.

    Has you visted Suomenlinna or the Kauppatori?

    You watch really Happy on our Instadram.

    All the Best Nalon

  10. Hi Anette ,i like drawings ,I am on a diet at the moment . I could lost weight as-well so , a healthy eating is a very good options for me .Please take care and keep on going with the music . Music is a very beautiful nowadays, depends on what kind of style of music you listen at it. I am listening to pop rock sometimes ,electronics , disco . Here are many great styles to choose from.Take care and all the best !^_^.

  11. wow, 4th week already, it's great! even if i understand it feel lonely without your family.... i wonder how far you could go, fingers crossed you will do the opera thing.
    hugs & love <3

  12. Karin; jag har skrivit till min producent att ni ska komma så skickar all info när han bekräftat=)
