Thursday, June 05, 2014

Tomorrow at Kievenlahti...

.. not only I am performing but also The Rasmus and do you remember this little tune?=)

Maybe this will be played there?=)

See you all who´s coming TOMORROW at 17.45!! Don´t miss come to sing with me=)

Lots of love and a bright SHINE on you all!


  1. And Im missing it? DAMN :(

  2. I wish you all the best for tomorrow when you travel to Finland my favourite lady Viking! :-)

    You'll be fabulous! x

  3. The Rasmus *.* Been too long since I last saw them live. Damn, they are good!
    Have fun with them =)

  4. Awww I love October and April! Best of luck tomorrow!

  5. I sure do remember, I love this song! And I wish I could see you perform :/ Have a fantastic day/week =)

  6. I am so sad and confused at the moment. I am divorced and got two children which live with me every other week. Now my ex-husband has found a new woman, and they are moving in together, and also the children. Of course the livingarrangments will not change . I have never seen this woman , and this feels so very strange. I don' t know why I am reacting this way. Feels like crying , all the time. There are worse things in the world , I know !!
    I feel alone somehow , and the divorce-feelings came back. Anxiety....
    I will come and see you tomorrow Anette! I know you will cheer me up. You always do! Your voice can heal anything . You can make me shine , like I should do :)

    Have fun on stage tomorrow. There are a lot of people in the audience who love you , and maybe will fall in love with you :)
    See you there !

  7. Haha, let me play Sherlock. Since not only you but also The R hinted a little surprise I would be quite sure that O&A will be played. I only hope there will be videos! I want another live performance of this one =)

  8. Hej!

    Yes, I remember that song and it´s an awesome one :). I would so love to be there tomorrow, but I can´t and that makes me sad :(. Well, I´ll see you another time instead.

    I wish you really all, all the best for tomorrow, lots of fun and I have no doubt you and your band will be awesome :). Please take always good care Anette!

    Have a really great time, good luck tomorrow and have lots of fun! Hugs to you :).

  9. Anette I just wanted to leave a message saying that I´m glad that everything went well and that you had a nice gig :). I wish you have a good travel back home in case you are still on your way and I´m looking forward to the blog post you mentioned in instagram.

    Enjoy your time!
