Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Finally - my touring band is now COMPLETE=)

Finally my touring band is complete so let me welcome the last member but not the less important, oh no;=)

On keyboards/accoustic guitar we have Rickard Bonde Trumeel!

Teaching music here in my home town and a very talented musician who can both play keyboards, guitar and also sings well;=)

Find him here:

Also from lovely Helsingborg and I am so happy that we all are from my dear home town! yeah!

Now we´ll soon be starting off the rehearsals and I´ll make some behind the scenes videos for you so stay tuned!

And don´t forget that if you want to see me and my band LIVE we play June 6th in Kivenlähti Festival Espoo Finland and then in Toranda Festival in Torneå Finland, July 5th.

The band members:
Patrik Borgkvist - Drums
Mikael Mikey Nilsson - Guitar
Johan Husgafvel - Bass
Rickard Bonde Trumeel


  1. Oh, that´s super news! Great and congrats to your band :). I´m looking forward to the videos. And of course I want to see you and this band live, as I said I hope I can manage one of those dates :). Or both :D.

    Enjoy the evening, dear Anette!

  2. Awesome! I'm sure you guys will just get along perfectly :) Would be wonderful if you came to Portugal in your tour :) I wish I had seen you in 2008 but I didn't know you back then!

  3. And again a gig tomorrow, that´s cool... I wish you very good luck for it and a lot of fun :). Thanks for the nice pictures you posted. Take good care and sleep well!

  4. Rock n roll my favourite lady Viking! I wish you all the best for your upcoming gigs! :-)

    I remember during the 6 months or so before you parted company with Nightwish I'd purchased a ticket to see the band at the Manchester Apollo for when they played there back in November 2012. About one month before your departure from the band, while I was thinking about the upcoming gig one afternoon, I dreamed up this idea that before the gig I was going to obtain an apple from somewhere, get right into the front row, and during Storytime if I could manage it either hand you or toss you the apple during the instrumental part where in the video you are biting the apple! :-D

    I must point out that I would of tried to hand to you or toss you the apple rather than throw the apple at you. All because throwing apples is dangerous, you wouldn't of liked it Anette, and I'd for sure get kicked out of the venue :-)

    And as it's you Anette I would of made sure that the apple was of the highest quality! :-) Fresh, juicy, ripe,and lovely with a shine just like you Anette! :-)

    And remember kids DON'T THROW APPLES! :-) Have a nice day! :-)

  5. Hey, cool that you all are from Helsingborg. I think it's all a lot easier to handle and of course you have Johan with you.
    I'm really exited for your concerts, since I live in Germany I'll have to hope for youtube videos, but there will be some for sure :)

  6. Anette ... when the fans who are far away and can not go to their shows, will be able to view images of your tour? Kisses from Brazil to you. We are so happy! It's great to see that everything is working on his solo career.
