Wednesday, March 05, 2014

From my morning walk

Some photos from yesterday´s and today´s mornings walks for you=)

There was a swan out in the ocean swimming around so calmly. You can see her back in some of the photos=)

 My coffee thermos is always with me;=)

Mio is having a bad cold so last night we almost didn´t get any sleep so before my interviews later this afternoon, we took a power nap and then some nice interviews with Spain and Holland.

Sleep well everyone=)


  1. Dear Anette,

    I hope you'll read this comment, it's important to me... I was wondering if it is possible to ever meet you in person? This has always been a dream of mine. Well I plan to go to sweden after finishing school and maybe, if I'm around your area, I could be able to meet you?
    I really don't want to bother or anything! Really not! :) It's just a question wether it would be possible.
    Actually, I am going through a hard time at the moment because of my eating disorder and I think i need something to look forward to...

    Lots of love and please feel free to just say no, i was just wondering! :)

  2. Dear Anette,

    I hope you'll read this comment, it's important to me... I was wondering if it is possible to ever meet you in person? This has always been a dream of mine. Well I plan to go to sweden after finishing school and maybe, if I'm around your area, I could be able to meet you?
    I really don't want to bother or anything! Really not! :) It's just a question wether it would be possible.
    Actually, I am going through a hard time at the moment because of my eating disorder and I think i need something to look forward to...

    Lots of love and please feel free to just say no, i was just wondering! :)

  3. Hello!

    I wish all good for Mio! Hope he will be OK as soon as possible.
    And your thermos is the cutes I've ever seen=)

    Forever yours,

  4. Hi and good afternoon Nettie.
    It's been a long time since I last passed here but now studying my time is short, but I always pass here to look to your photos =).
    I wish I could live in a beautiful place like you do, I remember when I was living in Japan every morning and afternoon I used to go out to walk and always come back with lots of pictures of the sky, trees and flowers but here in Brazil is so hard to find something beautiful to take a picture and I feel sad sometimes, for me is very important this contact with nature but one day I'll move to Sweden and the trouble will be solved haha.

    Have a good night.

    Love, Carol

  5. aww, i'm sorry to hear mio isn't well, i hope he'll be better soon.
    thanks so much for the lovely pics you shared with us, they're gorgeous!
    something make me happy today, my dear friend released her new video this morning, here it is (if you like, feel free to share it, there's no media behind her) :) and her album will be out just 3 days before my bday!!!
    love & kisses for you and your family <3 and a get better soon for mio as well <3

  6. Hi Anette!

    Yes, I see the swan in the pictures. A few weeks ago, when I took a walk and went down to the river where I live next to, I also saw two swans and they were really close :). Those are beautiful animals.

    I´ll watch a movie now (Dragonheart) and then, I´ll go to bed I think, I´m already a bit tired :).

    Lots of hugs to you and sleep well!

  7. I love your thermos Anette ! I want the same xD It must have been so cool to be here drinking some coffee... Yup I see the swan. Do you have any idea of what kind of swan it is ? Whooper swan I assume... In this season... Anyway, have a good evening dear Anette !

  8. Anette, I´m sorry that you get bashing now on instagram because of that review. That´s not fair, as you made clear now in a comment, it was the journalist who said those things and not you. I just don´t get the mayhem people make in their comments on instagram, it´s not your fault. I also shared the review on you facebook page (hope that´s ok) and wrote a statement from my point of view about half an hour ago, I couldn´t do else because those people who offend you now go on my nerves. I hope they´ll stop making a fuss soon.

    Anyway, have a nice afternoon and evening and don´t forget Anette: whatever happens, whatever rude things some people say towards you... you are stronger and you SHINE :). Lots of hugs!

  9. Hello Anette.
    I`m photographer from St.Petersburg(Russia). I would love to collaborate with you and create something beautiful. That`s one of my dreams :)You are such a wonderful woman and I`m fascinated by you and your personality.
    One of my main aim in photography - to reveal inner beauty of each person and reveal feminity in women.

    My portfolio can be found here -

    and more photos on facebook -

    If you are interested or wanna know more, please contact me:
    Sorry that I`m writing here. I just don`t know where to write better :)


  10. I saw you removed the review post from instagram meanwhile... well, I can understand it, people can be very rude and it´s of course not great to get so many offensive comments. If you want it to vanish from your facebook page too where I posted it as I said and told my opinion, please feel free to just tell me in a comment there and I´ll remove it :). Or you can also remove it then, that´s ok too of course.

    I wish you a good night and hope you had a nice evening :). Take good care!

  11. I've somehow managed to make it almost through the entire autumn/winter season without getting a cold until the week I came back from London last month. It was only then that I contracted a very, very bad cold. I felt utterly dreadful for about 3 days & nights before it started to pack it's bags and leave. After which I then had a lot of catarrh for about one week.

    So now I'm able to breath properly through my nose and the hearing has returned properly to my ears I wish Mio a very speedy recovery from his cold! :-) Get well soon Mio! :-)
