Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Autumn or?

Hi all!

Now we´re, again, having warmer wether here in south of Sweden and today was a grey but lovely day and it´s strange to believe it´s end of October. 15 degrees and warm winds made me enjoy my morning walk much more;=)

Here´s todays photos for you:

My outfit today was fake leather pants Gina Tricot, blouse Hunky dory, sneakers Gucci, necklace from

My hair is totally dirty so then it´s perfect to do an up-do and today I did one side braided, then did a side pony tail where I twisted a piece of the hair around the elastic hair band and fastened with a clip. Make it look more "done":

Found some nice flowers and plants that looked wonderful and it´s weird to see all the flowers still surviving so long into the autumn. 

This white one is so beautiful but I don´t know the name of it:

And grass is something I really like. so nice to see it flowing in the wind:

The colors are so nice togehter;

I kinda love the leaves lying all over the ground now:

But it can be really slippery so need to walk carefully and when being out running good terrain shoes are needed to not fall:

Found these little cuties and it feels weird to see summer flowers now:

Had to walk into the big cementary cause there were so lovely red tress in there

And the fence around the cementary is old and looks nice towards the leaves on the ground:

The fence has these old decorations on them all the way around. The cementary is really old and even called The old cementary and opened already in 1816 and this one is in the south part of the city centre. here´s more info if you want to know more about it:  (in Swedish)

This big grave that is the first one you meet when entering is this and it belongs to a priest and it sure looks really big and special. 

Here´s the red trees I like and now with the leaves on the ground it almost look like the tree is bleeding:

Had to take a photo of these two thick trees cause they looks so old and magnificent standing there in the middle of all the leaves:

And next to the cementary this worn and a little bit "sad" poster from this summers Sweden Rock festival hanged. Some great bands on it;=) Kiss and Europe!

So that´s my morning walk photos from today;=)

Now enjoy your remaining wednesday!


  1. The cemetery looks awesome! Would love to go there once =)
    Yes, the weather is great here, too. I hope it will stay as good because I´ve had late shifts since monday and so no time to enjoy the weather, but from tomorrow until the end of the week I will do early shifts so time to go outside after work! Wish me luck =)
    Have a great evening!

  2. I was on a pet cemetary a couple of weeks ago, it was really touching with lovely tombstones with pictures, poems and sculptures. Beautiful and sad, lovely trees in beautiful colours (like in your pictures) too...
    Have you bought your lovely shoes via a website? In that case, which one? I really love them:)

  3. Once again, very interesting and beautiful pictures. That cemetary looks kinda "wild"... I like it :). But somehow I always get into a sad mood when I walk across a cemetary...

  4. very pretty flowers. but. you are most beautiful. Grettings from argentina!! i miss you anette!!

  5. Good Morning, Anette.
    What every morning, you feel in your heart to make sure that life awaits you with open arms to receive your expectations and accomplish them one by one.
    Have a nice day ♥


  6. I believe the white flower is an iris. It looks like ones my mom used to plant.

  7. The white flower looks like and Iris. my mom used to plant them all the time, though we mostly had dark purple.

  8. Hi, Anette!

    Lovely outfit! I also loved the cementary pictures, so beautiful :D

  9. Good morning Anette!
    Love your outfit (as always)
    Your city is awesome, I like the colors and this old cementary seems very beautiful too.
    The weather got warmer here too, it's around 20 degrees, and now the sun is shining. :)
    Enjoy your day.:*

  10. Hi Nettie.
    Oh, I love autumn time but here in Brazil like a teacher of mine used to say we don't have this season, nor spring. Is just winter or summer and nothing else and for this I really miss the leaves falling down, the smell of rain, the cold wind of autumn afternoons and all the beautiful flowers I used to see in Japan.
    Now I hope you have a great day.

    Love, Carol

  11. I saw KISS in March this year in Australia, absolutely amazing, definitely worth seeing! I'd also have to say, Avantasia is just amazing as well, Tobi Sammet is just ridiculously talented. I wish Australia actually got festivals as awesome as this haha.

    Have an awesome day x

  12. Anette you are very beautiful wearing anything! :-))

    There is nothing wrong taking pictures of a autumn scenery of a grave site I know that there is passed live in the site but sometimes taken pictures could be beautiful in some prospective but many peoples may of not like it dew to of the dead lying at rest but to me I think all the grave site scenery with falling leaves is very beautiful indeed!

    Love and hugs from central Illinois US! ♥ ♥ ♥ :-)

  13. Holy moly.You make me want to move to Sweden every day more.It looks so beautiful.It warms my heart each time I see you so excited about the weather/trees/leaves/etc,because nature is a big part of my soul and life,therefore it's nice to know that someone else loves,cherishes and appreciates the wonders that surround us.Autumn is my favourite season,by the way.It's not too cold,everywhere there are leaves,rain,musk,and warm colours.It has some magical power,and I guess I should really learn more about it,because I feel truly and deeply connected to this part of the year,so there probably is a meaning/reason.Damn,that looks as if it came out of a movie scene!It's gorgeous!So ancient and pretty!I have a slight obsession with cemeteries/coffins/etc,so yeah.And,of course,my favourite type is the one in your pics.1816!That's quite an history!That's the year Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein"!The "year without a summer".Ahhh.I adore it.
    Thanks for sharing these pics!

  14. I'm loving the photos. You look great ;)
    Here in Zagreb is cold/warm....a real mix of temperature. Today was a bit cloudy but warmer weather.
    I hope everything is well :)

    Ena :*
