Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I just bit half of my tooth off...doesn´t hurt but damn, now I have to go visit the dentist tomorrow. One of the things in life I really HATE;=(

Please think of me tomorrow at 9 in the morning when I will cry and sweat lying in that damn chair with the horrible bright light in my head...

I will need to think about happy thoughts, just like Peter Pan to cope;=)

Love life! (ehum...haha!)


  1. There anette is so cute life must face things, kisses from Argentina of your number one fans

  2. I understand you...tomorrow I also have to go to the dentist....and I'm really afraid because I didn't go since one year.....But I have to check my teeth....

    Don't worry dear, you'll be stronger !!

    Courage !


    And thanks you for your pictures on Instagram !

  3. I understand you....I also have to go to the dentist tomorrow ...and I'm afraid because I didn't go since one year...But I have to check my teeth...

    Don't worry, you'll stronger ! Keep smiling !

    And thanks you for your pictures on Instagram !


  4. oh noo! poor anette:(
    i hate this too. the Sound of all that Dentist stuff....aaargh!
    of course i will think of you tomorrow :) i send you extra big big hugs ;)


  5. Poor you! How could that happen? It's weirdo… Like when you broke your rib. That was weirdo, too.

    Anyway, I will think of you of course but I also ask you to think of me. Normally, I sleep at 9 but tomorrow will be a big day to me. I have a very big exam in Math (it contains the stuffs of 6 other exams) and I wanted to ask you to think of me anyway. And now seeing you ask us the same makes me really tell you this request of mine.

    I’m so nervous and scared of the whole thing. I hate when I have to speak in front of people. And I haven’t learnt as much as I should have, I think. That makes me feel guilty. However, I feel that I know everything I have to. So please, keep your fingers crossed for me because I have a feeling that it would help. I don’t know the exact time yet, but somewhen between 10 and 17.

    I like seeing the dentist. They always compliment on my teeth, haha.

    Good luck to you,

  6. Ohh Anette !
    I'm so sorry !!
    I send you soooooome hugs and love and beautifull troughts for you're appointement !
    BIG hugs !
    Kisses :*

  7. Oh no! :( is it tooth in the front?
    I have the exact same thing and I know how annoying it is to go and fix it when it breaks again!
    And of course i'll be with you at 9!
    I never been afraid of the dentist cause since my childhood I have a fantastic dentist, she never hurt me and does an very good job! I go to her as I go to the hairdresser actually :)

    Love and Hugs

  8. I know that feel....That happened to me too. I needed to go to the dentist but he is too occupied so now I have a half tooth....Guess I'll hve to wait to fix that for a loooooong time -.-
    I wish you a good luck tomorrow, even though the sound is annoying, think about the ones you love and all the positive stuff in life. It will be over soon for sure :)

    Ena :*

  9. Hej Anette!

    Samma sak hände min mor för några måader sedan. Men hon gick inte till tandläkaren direkt, utan hon tog lite superlim och klistrade fast tanden igen :D Jaja, har man inte tid att gå till tandläkaren så... Men hon har fixat tanden nu... tror jag...
    Men i alla fall, jag ska skicka lite positiv energi så att du klarar av den hemska upplevelsen :)

    Ha det bra!


  10. Oh dear... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Anette. Dentists are "evil". I have a wisdom teeth surgery (!!!) scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I'm already afraid of normal dentists and going to an oral surgeon is worse. So... I gotta try the happy thoughts thing too (though I can already see myself crying). Moreover, I'm surely going to take my music player with me because my favourite music usually helps a bit.

    Greetings and lots of hugs from Germany

  11. Aww that's awful :( But I'm sure you can handle it like the tough lady you are :) The happy thoughts are a good idea!

  12. Ellinor : Superlim ? :)) Du fick mej att skratta :)
    Jag bet också av min framtand på en nektarinkärna, och den har fixats redan ett par gånger. Nästa gång skaffar jag superlim :)

    And I will think about you Anette ', send you positive energy and happy thoughts :)

  13. Yes, I agree. I don't like seeing the dentist too hahaha

  14. Oh, I really understand you... I hate this too :( And I'm so afraid sounds of dental instruments :(
    I will send positive thoughts to you tomorrow ;-)

  15. Oooh, dear! I understand you. I have problems with my teeth too((

  16. I would like to send my dentist to you because she is truly the best...
    I'll think of you tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Good luck and best wishes,
    Steffi <3

  17. Do you grind your teeth at night? It might be beneficial for you to get a bite splint. You only wear it when you sleep, but it keeps your teeth from grinding and cracking.

  18. Oh, that has been some bad luck for you, but I know, visiting dentist is not my thing as well! :( I hope it'll go smoother than you expect! I'm already up this morning, since I have 2 tests + an exam at my university at the same time, you'll be at the dentist and these are on the most boring and hard to read subject ever. Quite unpleasant, too.

    I already keep fingers crossed for you!


  19. Poor Anette,
    I will think of you at 9 am:).
    You must only think if you down from this chair you feel you better;).

    Enjoy the day. Nalon.

  20. Åh, jag förstår precis! Jag hatar också tandläkaren. Jag har en sån dålig tandläkare också. Usch! :(

  21. Hej Anette!

    När du läser det här så har du nog redan fixat tanden, så jag hoppas att allt gick bra :)

    Karin: Haha känns bra att jag kunde få någon att skratta :D Superlim är väldigt vanligt här hemma, och min mor använder det inom sitt jobb också. Vi väntade nog bara på att hon skulle göra något galet med det :D

    Ha det bra!

