Monday, August 19, 2013

My new hair color;=)

Hi all,

I´ve ben busy but here´s some photos of my new hair color: dark with dip dye purple;=)

And here´s how it looks under my spotlight in the bathroom;=)


  1. I can only repeat myself: gorgeous. The purple adds something so very fresh to your face (not saying you didn´t look fresh before this hair style!) and somehow it seems to make you taller, or is that just my opinion?
    Anyway, beautiful!
    I´d like to do something like this, too, but at the moment I´m working in a hospital and they don´t like people with too crazy hair there. I guess they would not like me to have such a hairstyle...

  2. Wow, I thought it was purple but in your bathroom it looks like my copper red hair. Especially in the first photo... :D
    Why was it so funny to take photos like that? :D

  3. So dashing hair! Suits you damn well Nettie-darling :3

  4. Hei Anette !
    You're wonderfull !
    I love it ! But you have change again you're hair's color ?
    Have a wonderfull evening :*
    With Love :)

  5. Hi anette! this gradient-purple is amazing! With a curl haircut I bet you'd look great!

  6. Annette, that is a beautiful hair colour :) You look fierce :)

  7. It looks so pretty! Love the purple. :)

  8. I really love it!! :)
    You look amazing and so young!

    Oh and I wrote the recipe you asked me on my IG ;)

    Love and Hugs

  9. I'm loving your hair, really awesome color :)
    Hope you are having lovely summer days. Big hugs to you

    Ena :*

  10. I just love violet colour. I have a question about the used violet colour. Is it a permanent "normal" colour used by the hairdressers or the one from the semi-permanent "wild" collections from Manic Panic or Direction? I'm just curious.
    But anyway, you look great!

    Have a nice day and enjoy the rest of summer!

    Sofia Jana

  11. Wow Anette, it really matches with you. You look amazing!

  12. Oh wow! That is fantastic! I really love it. I think it's bold and creative without being obnoxiously bright. I think it also gives your smile more youth, which is always a good thing. :D

    Julie N. @ Hairworkx Etc Inc.

  13. Wow! your New hair color post is very attractive.
    hairdresser central coast nsw

  14. I am biased with auburn hair color, seriously. But your new purple hair looks totally great on you, Anette! You can level it with Kelly Osbourne’s or Nicole Richie’s. Lol! What did you use, btw?
