Monday, August 12, 2013

Me want...

...this hair and color!!! Wow;=)


  1. Wow! It's beautiful! Do it! It's awesome! I think it would suit you really well! Someday I'll do something like that with my hair. :)

  2. Me want that too *.*
    I had 2 years ago and it's awesome.
    I am sure you will look great with it if you do it (but every color suits you)
    I am thinking about that combination but this time purple or red :)
    Big hugs to you

    Ena :*

  3. It would suit you perfectly!! But those not natural pigments as hair colour tend to fade soon, a friend of mine have had this experience, she coloured her hair half blue and half red, now blue has desappeared while red has become a sort of white/pink O_O. But, if you want to have a colour like this for a period, perhaps colouring it again as it fades, why not, I repeat, it would suit you very well!!!! kisses, my dear :*

  4. I love it soooooo much! Pink is the best!
    The problem is after fzw shampoo its going to fade so you have to do it like every two weeks if you want to keep it that bright!

    Love and Hugs

  5. Anette ... how good it is to see their happiness! These moments are wonderful to live! A wedding dress is of great significance to the view that any woman, even being surrounded by so much love and joy and happiness in your case double baptized by his beloved children. So I would be willing to paint my hair pink for joy! God continue to bless this beautiful family! Kisses and good honeymoon!
