Wednesday, April 24, 2013

More babies;=)

It´s always nice to read happy announcements so reading that Simone Simons is pregnant is really nice and I met Oliver on tour in US so a BIG congrats to both of them;=) 

It´s a blessing to have children:=) And even singers in metal bands get them so when you start a band, if you bring along a woman, this is something you need to accept and embrace. 

All the best to the expecting parents and to Epica, of course;=)

Photo borrowed from


  1. I always dreamed of becoming a singer, was not thinking about anything else. but as it turned out, the most important thing - it's a family. not work. I want to have children. it's probably an instinct)
    I congratulate them too! this is very cool! Hurrah!

  2. Congrats to them!

    And I agree with you that pregnancy shouldn't be seen as a burden, but as a gift. And yes, it's us women who get pregnant and have to spend months resting, but that's just nature and both men and women are parents, so everybody should understand.
    Even when equality seems now a little closer, women keep struggling for fair employment and maternity leaves. It's the same in every job.
    I guess the music business is a tough one when it comes to travelling all the time and scheduling long tours, so the people involved should talk and come to positive agreements in order to give the best both to the band itself and its members.

  3. Dear Nettie,

    <3 This is amazing. We were already guessing it from the tour pictures, but still waited for an official announcement.

    Excuse me if I am indiscreet, but this is probably the second or third time when I notice this in your posts and I cannot help to feel really sad. Was your Nw departure connected with the fact that you were pregnant? This would be probably more horrible than absolutely any other scenario we could imagine... and so sick and unfair.

    I wish you a really really nice day with your little treasures. <3

    Lots of kisses,

  4. Congrats to her :-)

    Will see her at Graspop this year perhaps I'll congrats her at the festival ;-)

    I have to go for a medical ultrasonography of my breasts tomorrow and perhaps also for a mammography. I'm actually really scared for the end result.. I have engorgement since 2 weeks and it hasn't stop. I'm not pregnant and normally I don't have issues with my pill. Fingers crossed...

  5. didn't know that. congrats for both of them :)

  6. Iona: Hi! Yes, it was due to me getting pregnant. Take care now;=)

    Oona: Oh, I understand your worry! I went last year due to a knot in my breast and the wait for the biopsy result was horrible! Luckily mine is benign but need to check it every 1,5 year. Good luck and think positive thoughts!

    Kaoru: I think, not only the music business, but many working places are discriminating pregnant women and women with small children. When I expected Seth, I had been offered a new great job and when I told I was pregnant, they said I couldn´t have the job. So it happens all the time! It makes me really angry and I hope things can change! I love to sing and work, but family is also important to me and why do I have to choose? Men doesn´t have to...
    Take care!

    Eva: Yes, never say no to a dream of children due to a career, is my advice;=)

  7. That´s great news indeed <3 I love Epica - and now even more since they give Simone the time she needs.
    But it´s so horrible that you and NW parted because you were pregnant! I was guessing it but couldn´t really believe it. I mean... It is so horrible!
    But surely better for you to be away from NW - especially since I now know their attitude towards their singers getting pregnant. Hell, women are no machines! O.O
    Still, I wish you a great day!

  8. I'm happy for the both too and I meet Oliver in 2009 in Paris very nice guys :)


  9. I, and the moment I read it I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks, from.happiness.
    Same I had when I read about you, haha


  10. Hi Anette!

    Congrats to them, of course :)

    And referring to the answer you gave Iona....
    So then, your pregnancy was the reason of the "Nightwish Desaster"... at least we know now. But when they kicked you out because of your pregnancy it´s another good example of intolerance in that case. And well, reading between the lines of your post, it becomes clear. I hope you weren´t too sad when that happened. I guess you were disappointed of them and I understand that.

    I so hope you are completely fine, Anette? Always remember, you stand on your own, and you are wonderful like you are. And I´m sure everything in your life will be great and stay great. Family, music... and of course, you don´t have to choose :). You do a great job in every way. And I honour you for this.

    Take good care now of yourself please, Anette and see you :).


  11. Tarja, you, simone, all of these beautiful metal singers are having babies!! who's next? lol, But i m very happy for Simone and we all knew she was pregnant from epica's retrospect show!

    Any advice you would give to simone on being a first time "metal" mom?

    Have a nice day

  12. Vad ledsen jag blir för din skull när jag läser att det var för din graviditet som du fick sluta :(. Så himla bakåtsträvande och omoget. Vad ska de då ha en kvinnlig sångerska för?? Även män kan bli indisponibla pga av sjukdommar, då borde väl det också vara skäl för att få sparken!
    Jag tror nog att i slutändan var det bara bra för dig och de dina. Det är svårt att ändra på människor och blir man illa behandlad så är det bästa att bara gå. Många kramar /Therese

  13. I think that the way Epica organized everything and their behaviour towards Simone's pregnancy has been perfect. It should be something totally normal and natural in any band or workplace, but unfortunately it's not always like that. I totally agree with you when you say that this kind of matters should be discussed and clarified from the beginning ;)

    But, as we say in Italy, when a door closes, another bigger one will open (horrible translation, but it should give the idea!). You're talented enough to find your own path. Have a nice evening and take care!

  14. Yes its wonderful. Simone looks so beautiful at the photos taken of her with the round belly on stage. I just love to look at them =)
    Did you know that Tarja also had a baby last year and no one even knew she was pregnant..
    Cute pictures of her and the baby also.

  15. Yes in deed, I was so happy when I read the news, I knew it since the Retrospect show, because of that 'strange' Simone's little belly. Cannot wait to meet their baby <3

  16. So happy for her, and i think it's really cool the way they announced it, how could anyone blame them for postponing the tourdates, i don't know them personally but they all seem very supportive and close (sure gives the positive image of the band). Girls should know that women today can have it all and one doesn't exclude the other :)

  17. Hello Annete,
    I meant to post earlier in the week, but time just goes by so quickly, anyways I wanted to respond to this post…. In the 90’s I was a member of a predominantly female thrash/heavy metal band….so I speak from experience I had 3 of my 4 children when we were playing out and recording ( although we never did lengthy tours like NW) It can be DONE!!! With a great support team at home, and the desire and passion to do so…. I am really sad to hear that because you were pregnant NW didn’t want to wait till you were ready. But I believe God has bigger and more important things in store for you as a mama, and musician/vocalist!!
    God’s blessings

  18. The "men" in Nightwish aren't men. The way they treated both you and Tarja is wrong. And to let you "go" because your pregnant is wrong on every level. I'm so sorry for what happened Anette. I hope you make a band of your own and continue to create music. Congratulations are your baby as well. God bless you :)

  19. Annette, it is horrible to read that you had to part ways with Nightwish because the other members weren't supportive of your pregnancy. Women need all the support they can get, we bring life into this world and deserve respect.
    I still love Nightwish and I continue to listen to their music, from the Tarja era, from the Annette era and I will also listen if they continue to bring out new stuff with Floor. They are an amazing band, but once I watched a video in which the male members made a horrible sexual joke in Finnish in front of her husband, Tarja wasn't around though, and I lost a lot of respect for them when they did that.
    Anyway, Annette, I hope you have a wonderful time with your three blessings, take care xxx
