Saturday, March 09, 2013

Go Ralph!

Big Finals in our Eurovision song contest at this moment and I will just say:

GO Ralph from Mustach! So good song and Ralph sings really good in this one and of course I love him sitting by the piano and having flames around him=)

Here you can listen to the song - Bed on fire:


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Anette! I am in love with him!!! I have goosebumps all over! I hope he will win! Tell as, if he will!
    Enjoy your evening:)

  2. hello dear
    hope you're well
    you once sang with him, right? In a Swedish program. =)
    he is a good singer. I hope he wins.
    I guess now I'll be here more often. Do not take more medicine that made ​​me sleepy. haha (anti-inflammatory)
    But I need to do some medical tests. I hate being in hospitals.grrr
    Can you recommend a song?
    I love the lyrics to this song. If you like the video, I can send you the translation. =)
    Good night for you and your family.
    see you tomorrow ♥


  3. Ralf var helt klart bäst! Ifall han hade vunnit hade jag kunnat heja även på Sverige i eurovisionen men nu får jag förbli fosterländsk och heja på Finland :)
    Ha en bra kväll!


  4. Here it has been decided who is going to Malmö. I didn’t watch the competition just checked out the winner’s video. Well, interesting… =) Everybody was surprised when ByeAlex won because other competitors were famous singers here except him. But it was the viewer’s decision. So he divides the audience but at least he gives something new that is not expected here.

    ByeAlex - Kedvesem

    So far we’ve never won so we have nothing to lose. =) But you have to admit that it’s quite a catchy song. Can’t stop singing it since I first heard it. So as a singer what do you think? I’m very curious about your opinion. :D

    Sleep well,

  5. Ralf var utan tvekan bäst! O andra sidan tror jag inte hans låt skulle slagit i ESC ... Men visst hade det varit för jäkla kul om han vunnit ikväll :)
