Saturday, March 14, 2015

Here´s HOW to vote for me in Tähdet Tähdet, both in english and in swedish=)

Ok, so here´s how YOU can vote for me every day even from outside Finland so I win Tähdet Tähdet=) And since most of my fans are non-Finnish go and vote! Buy 100 votes and I´ll be super happy=) But any vote is ok of course!
So here´s how you do it:
Go to this site:
Then you go down to my number which is ALWAYS number 7! Click on the words: Äänestä Anettea netissä.
then click on how many votes you wanna buy.
Next page scroll down the scroll list and choose Luotto ja maksikuorti and then click the window that says: Hyväksyn sopimusehdot
then click Vahvista maksu
Next page, fill in your card number, expiration date and so on and when thats done: Hyväksy
This is quite easy and you can vote for me ANY day, not only today so already tomorrow for next week!
And remember: I need all votes since I am the outsider=)
Ok, hej alla svenskar och kära finlandssvenskar;
Såhär gör ni för att rösta på mig varje vecka:
Gå till denna sidan först:
Scrolla ner till nummer 7, som är mitt nummer varje vecka oavsett startordning=)
Klicka sedan där det står: Äänesta Anettea netissä och klicka på hur många röster du vill köpa.
På nästa sida scrollar du ner i rullisten och väljer Luotto ja maksikuorti och klicka efter det på fönstret som säger: Hyväksyn sopimusehdot
Klicka sedan på Vahvista maksu
På nästa sida fyller du i din kortinfo och när detta är gjort klickar du på: Hyväksy
Man kan rösta hur många ggr man vill, hela veckan, alltså inte bara på söndagarna och jag är SÅ tacksam för VARJE röst!
Heja heja!


Pascal said...

Nice it´s there in swedish too! And I just listened to „Apart and astray“ again and it´s magnificient as I said. Don´t listen to people who start hating again because they find it too soft and say that the way you are going is a bad one. They just can´t accept that you are moving on with your music and that you make the music you want to make. And someone had asked you whether it will be on Itunes in Germany, I also hope it will be there and on Itunes in general so that we can buy it. Would be a great thing :).

Enjoy your afternoon and lots of hugs and love!

Lily of the valley said...

I bought 5 votes for you ! Because you're a very positive and inspiring person I really want to support you. World needs more people like you. You are so much a good mother and wife and a beautiful artist. Your joy is contagious. You're strong and teach people that we have to be passionated ! keep going ! I'm a mother and a musician also (and my husband too) and I know that it takes very much trust in life to going forward with music, family and sideline (when music does not permit to pay all the rent and food). Keep posting ! I read you every day ! And also I always have goose-flesh when I hear you singing ! PS : I hope nurse's courses go well for you! Cécile From Montréal (canada)

Heidi said...

Dear Anette, I think you should look more carefully your finnish words. Even if copied, some of them are wrong and gives me a thought you´re not fully respecting our language :) It should be making sure that they are correctly written.
(Majja should be Maija, maksikuortti should be maksukortti, Myrskyluoden myrskyluodon)

When speaking, that´s not important, but when copying the text, it must be correct :)

Thanks for singing in finnish. Your voice is absolutely beautiful!

Pascal said...

Hi Anette!

I have to say that once again you did a great, great – ABSOLUTELY GREAT performance yesteday! Damn, I loved it as the previous ones. You are doing a great job in Tähdet Tähdet and I´m super happy that you can stay – I hoped so for it and it was fulfilled. Congratulations! And I ordered my card today, finally! The only thing is, I was told it can last up to two weeks until it´s here... Yuck! But, UP TO two weeks... so I hope that it will arrive sooner and as long as I don´t have it, I will see if someone I know and can trust has a credit card and can buy votes when I give the money, so I could vote at least indirectly for you.

And about your boys leaving today... gosh, the picture you put on instagram about it says it all. I´m sorry for you feeling sad and I can understand it. But you surely can keep in touch with them for those weeks through the internet or telephone. Of course, this is not the same as having them there, but at least it can help a bit. Maybe they can even visit you while you are still in Finland, I wish it to you. And also think about that, the more you feel feel sad and down now, the more beautiful will be the moment when you see them again. I wish you all the best to feel better a bit soon and I´m sure that they WILL be proud of you a lot!

Lots of love, hugs and light to you and remember, when you are sad and down... SHINE... and lift your head high :).

Pascal said...

Ok... it´s me again and I just have to leave another comment... I just want to say I´m so sorry you got mocked from a journalist because of not speaking Finnish. When I read this, I thought this can´t be possible and it made me really furious! This is NOT an appropriate way to treat somebody! I don´t speak Finnish or Swedish (although I´m dealing with Swedish and started to learn it a bit) but I know they aren´t that similar, and even if they were, I wonder how she could take it for granted that you have to speak Finnish. It´s really not too much to ask for them to speak English to you. Damn, I´m a really positive and optimistic person in general, but sometimes I wonder in what kind of world we are living!

Sorry, but this just had to get out. Please try to not take it too much to heart, you still have a lot of people who stand behind you and support you. Sometimes it might be not easy, but...

...„Forgive the unkind - so bitter and envy“

That´s just it. AND no matter what some unkind people might say or do, you will stay strong and you´ll fly :).

Have a good night and a hopefully nice day tomorrow!